SAN HQ 2.5, HIT Microsoft 4.5 and HIT VMware 3.5
I am pretty happy with SANHQ 2.2, HIT MS 4 and HIT VMware 3.1, and there aren’t much new features I need, so I choose to delay the upgrade for the time being.
Furthermore, there are two interesting videos presented by Dell EQL User Group in Taiwan (in Chinese), the following new features were intensively mentioned as well. (Part 1 and Part 2)
SAN HQ 2.5 Announcement
Dell announces Host Integration Tools for Microsoft 4.5
Dell Announces Host Integration Tools for VMware 3.5
Note: HIT for VMware v3.1.1, and earlier, is not compatible with Equallogic Firmware Version, 6.0, of the PS Series Firmware. A later version must be installed prior to upgrading to Version 6.0, for compatibility.