關於Steve McQueen的問題

By admin, February 6, 2014 1:45 pm


作為一個美國家傳戶曉的人物,Steve McQueen現今的影響力依然不減當年。

很期待TSM今年推出的1比18Steve McQueen人偶,這樣就可以和我那Le Mans電影版的Porsche 917K #20成為一對了。

Q1. Isn’t it a foul language with two fingers up?

Q2. Is the latest Disney car cartoon movie related S. McQueen? As my little nephew always shout “McQueen” “McQueen” with his little toys…so I guess the name must be after American’s well known household name Steve McQueen?

Answer by Will-Laura de Boer-Corsan

Before I talk about the two finger salute, th McQueen your nephew is talking about is lightning McQueen from the movie cartoon called ‘Cars’. I found a Forum answer that makes sense of the two fingered salute. If anyone has a better reponse feel free:

‘The book “A French Kiss with Death” describes the origin of the 2 finger salute.
English longbowmen who fell into the hands of the French, would have their string pulling fingers cut off. This insured that the flower of French knighthood would not suffer again from the same bowman. It goes on to say that before a battle, the English would taunt the French by waving the 2 fingers in the air as a gesture indicating that the fingers remain and the French would move at their peril. Steve McQueen originally wanted to use the American single finger salute, but was offered a more elegant 2 finger version by a British photographer on the set.

Update: Jan 1, 2015


Update: Jan 16, 2016
After almost a year, this figure has been cancelled, what a pity!

” I confirmed this with TSM today. Apparently the Steve McQueen foundation decided not to go ahead with the project. “

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