等了好久的Gilles Villeneuve人偶終于完工了!

By admin, February 28, 2017 12:20 pm

終于可以跟日本ROMU手版大師製作的1981年Monaco分站冠軍車126CK F1, #27車合為一體!



By admin, February 24, 2017 11:29 am



By admin, February 23, 2017 8:29 pm



By admin, February 23, 2017 3:26 pm


1 如果價錢合適,多數人都係中意選擇番1比18大比例,無論是合金或者樹脂。
2 大減價後,大量好貨、絕版貨重出江湖,在二手市場放售。
3 大減價可以刺激同促進經濟週期,大家得益,三贏局面! (店舖去到囤積>放心、買家低價收車>超開心、收藏家再次係二手市場找到心頭好>勁開心)

結論: 希望以後會有多點大減價促銷活動!




By admin, February 22, 2017 7:45 pm




以下是Shaun & Jasper兄弟倆的收藏


Almost Real第一款合金的誕生!

By admin, February 22, 2017 7:04 pm

終于等到了朋友四萬大叔的Almost Real (AR) 第一款合金的誕生,3月中就有得拿貨了,有興趣的朋友可以直接到四萬大叔的淘寶店訂貨。

2015 Land Rover Defender 90, L.E. 1/1,999


By admin, February 21, 2017 10:22 pm



Beauty, Art and Uniqueness!

By admin, February 16, 2017 4:28 pm

Epic stories of motor racing from the past using latest 3D technology!


Hybrid新體驗: Head Gravity 17 (1.25mm) / Cross: 18 (1.20mm)

By admin, February 12, 2017 6:50 pm

朋友最新的推薦,Head Gravity主線的形狀是三角形的Co-Poly,據稱可以產生較多的旋轉。

之前我也曾經試過這幅線,感覺的確比之前的Solinco Tour Bite Diamond Rough 17 + Babolat RPM Blast 17g要得心應手,不過當時的球拍是 Radical Pro。

這次的磅數為: 53lb x 55lb



Update: Mar 20, 2017

Out of my expectation, it only lasted for 5 weeks or 28 hours! But overall speaking, it’s probably the best string I’ve ever come across with Head ExtremePro. I’ve restrung it for 55×53lbs this time and let’s see if this combination makes a difference.

Update: May 8, 2017

Proved the set can only last for 5-6 weeks! So I changed back to Blackcode (52lbs on both main and cross) instead, the result is surprisingly good. From my experience, Blackcode can last at least 3-4 months, let’s see.

Update: Jul 16, 2017

Sorry, that Blackcode 17 didn’t even last for 5 weeks, so switching to gauge 16 (52lbs on main and 50 lbs cross) and let’s see again.

Update: Dec 4, 2017

Good news that the previous Blackcode 16 did last for almost 4 and 1/2 months, that’s long enough, I still stick to this string from now on.

Update: Dec 10, 2017

It turns out the pro shop does not carry any Blackcode 16, and he suggested me to try Babolat Hurricane Pro 16 (50lbs on main and 50 lbs cross)

Update: May 1, 2018

The Babolat Hurricane Pro 16 almost lasted for 5 months which is good enough! I am going to use it again and this time lower the tension to 48 lbs for both main and cross.

Update: Sep 25, 2018

It proved by now that Babolat Hurricane Pro 16 almost lasted for another 5 months, so I re-strung both of my rackets with 48 lbs for both main and cross again.

Update: Mar 17, 2019

The previous Babolat Hurricane Pro 16 lasted for another 6 months, but the pro shop ran out of stock. So the staff recommended Head Hawk 16 this time, 48×48lbs, so far it’s quite good!

Update: Mar 4, 2020

The Head Hawk 16 lasted about almost one year, as half of the time, I was also using other Head Extreme Pro with Babolat Hurricane Pro 16 as the backup. So it’s not bad at all it did last for at least 6-8 months. Anyway, I switched back to Babolat Hurricane Pro 16 48×46lbs this time with Grommet changed as well at the pro shop.

Update: Oct 10, 2020

Two pro shop went out of business during COVID, what a pity! Anyway, got in touch with one of the owner and he helped me restrung my rkt with Babolat Hurricane Pro 17 48×48lbs and also changed my grommet, door to door service, highly appreciated for his excellent service!!!

Update: Mar 17, 2021

The previous Babolat Hurricane Pro 17 lasted for 3 months, and local distributor does not carry 16 gauge, so I ordered the 16 gauge 130 from TW and restrung my racket from a new pro shop this time, 48×48lbs, and let’s see if it will last for 6 months.

Update: Nov 26, 2021

The previous Babolat Hurricane Pro 16 lasted for 8 months, because of on and off courts closure due to Covid-19. Anyway, I shall stick to this string from now on with 48lbs.

Update: Sep 24, 2022

I’ve decided to re-strung my racket with Hurricane Pro 16 to 46lbs this time as my Extreme Pro feels the best just before the string breaks every time.

Update: Feb 23, 2023
Hurricane Pro 16 (46lbs) lasted for 5 months, it felts right. So I’ve decided to keep it to 46lbs from now on.

Update: Mar 26, 2023
Went to pro shop and re-strung my spare racket with Hurricane Pro 16 (46lbs).

Update: Oct 23, 2023
Last one lasted for 8 months, re-strung my spare racket with Hurricane Pro 16 (46lbs), seems I’ve finally located the best tension for my racket.

Update: Apr 21, 2024
Hurricane Pro 16 (46lbs) lasted for another 8 months, pretty solid!


By admin, February 7, 2017 12:51 pm

這台Gulf GT40還是69年的勒芒冠軍車!

另外也發現原來68和69年的Ford GT40 MK I是同一台,因為底盤是一樣的。


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