多倫多的Collector Studio
要說到F1賽車精品店,多倫多的Collector Studio號稱全球第二,應該沒人敢認第一!
要說到F1賽車精品店,多倫多的Collector Studio號稱全球第二,應該沒人敢認第一!
借著這次東莞之行的机會,徹底了解了一下樹脂模型貴的原因。當然, 仍是一家之言,一面之詞。諸位皆明公,是非自有分辨。
在合金模型的生產成本中,開模費用是非常巨大的一筆。以1:18模型而言,一般200個零件左右需要10到15套模具。開模的成本在50万左右。這 個磨具雖然壽命很長,可以長久反复使用,但先期投入大,制作時間相對較長,回本也需要更長的時間。合金模具的制作過程之后還會有帖子陸續介紹,這里按下不 表。
這里插一句,樹脂模型從Otto,GT Sprits到MR、BBR,也有非常大的价格差。樹脂原料的質量也存在差別,比較低端的樹脂模型材料更接近于石膏,受溫度濕度等影響比較大,高質量的原材料可能也不能完全避免這些問題,但要好得多。
由于硅膠磨具材質柔軟(請自行聯想隆胸的材料),在零件离開 磨具的時候不易受出模角度的影響,而合金模型使用的金屬模具因為材質硬且脆,容易崩模。直觀的說,樹脂零件在整体銳度和細致花紋方面可以表現的更好。這應 該就是大家常說的,”不像合金車線條那么肉”的原因。
一般認為,樹脂模型因為不能開車門和發動机,零件要較少。事實确實如此,但較高端的樹脂模型零件數也可能接近甚至超過100個,更重要的,樹脂件更 脆弱,需要更小心的對待,廢品率也更高。最顯著的一點,工厂里做樹脂模型的以女工居多。
如圖9至圖11所示,樹脂件必須手工噴漆和打磨。上漆前后都要反复 拋光,所用的砂紙必須一直泡在水里,質地比銅版紙還細滑。
最后在補充一點關于版權費的內容。前面一篇自白文章已經說過,模型版權費用一般是模型售价的10%-15%,最高的是法拉利,有些車型可以到 28%。按照厂家說法,樹脂模型雖然產量少,但同樣必須有厂家授權。至少MR、BBR等比較高端的品牌是如此。也就是說在授權費這一塊,樹脂和合金模型也 是沒區別的。
1. 樹脂模型的优勢在于對批量沒有要求,不敢相信像阿爾法•羅密歐Scighera這樣的小眾車會被做成合金。
2. 樹脂模型的原材料和手工都比合金車貴,更關鍵的在于那個壽命很短的硅膠模具。它比合金模型的磨具便宜很多,但壽命非常短。
3. 因為硅膠模具材質柔軟,更容易刻畫比較鋒利的線條,比如車的腰線。所以樹脂模型通常看起來更利落。
4. 樹脂模型的漆面比合金更光洁細膩。
- 無奈熊君
今日談第3類 : 已有一定水平想再突破
我强調: 不進則退 這個道理
a. 選教練最理想他是現役及正參與本地聯賽或任何公開比賽。
b. 淨喂波操練及口講如何點打法是不太啱用。
c. 能教你各項技術打法,腳步技巧, 能糾正及改善你不足是非常重要。
d. 一定要懂得戰術運用去操練,講求實戰效率。
所有教練廣告一定會講到天下無敵,兼有崇高理念, = BS。
正所謂之: 學壞手勢。
a. 選擇現役參與聯賽或公開比賽之教練,不能選擇太低級數,太低又如何幫你改善呢,起碼要揀乙組或以上,仲要看其比賽成績,取其實戰經驗頗重要,因要講埋落場如何掌控節奏,少d經驗根本吾知,勿聽講他以前是乜乜物物,要講現在。(曾是甲+球員除外)
b. 你應見過好多教練和學生定點操波,操正反手,直線斜線,截擊…..等等,
可惜現實地,根本完全是兩碼子嘅事!!! 你和外面波友一比拼便知咩回事,會否覺得練咁耐都……冇乜料到@@”
c. 好多時因你基本擊球動作有誤,加上舊手法又根深蒂固,引致控制落點位置都較難處理得好,只能淨打底線抽撃,兩邊細角落點吾知點做,如果你以前打法是有效的話,就不用好似現在咁,
d. 要在場上戰勝對手,實戰操練各項戰術戰略尤為重要,淨喂波去操不太實際,而是要用對賽方式去實踐才中用。
當你打順境波時就當然是要風得風啦,但遇到逆境波時,咩叫做手緊或發波瘟時,如何扭轉乾坤!!! 少d材料及經驗嘅教練都除時考起。
去到現在,你見我好强調實戰,原因是: 比賽並非只講你個人打得叻便算,仲要講好多落場操守及心理戰術,如何刻服手緊現象,如何控制比賽節奏等等,
常言道 : 讀書不是求分數,我認同的,但不太適用於網球運動,
要知道 : 學無前後,達者為先,
(題外話: 梅利/費達拿有板比你睇,我個人認為拿度是時候要多一位教練去幫佢突破,因我喜歡他的鬥心,好想拿度盡快回歸)
最後都係果句 : 揀教練,一定要揀口碑好為優先,口碑好是包括埋球品好,切勿用價錢高低去看。
- 蘇師傅
車厂授權這事儿,想必大家都懂得。在這方面,法拉利堪稱是車厂中最最最霸道沒有之一的。這可以解釋為意大利人一貫的盲目樂觀,或者也可以說是不同車厂對模型這事儿的不同態度。總之,法拉利的授權費是所有車厂中最貴的。根据車型不同,每一輛模型市售价格的百分之25至28要上繳法拉利,比一般車厂高出大約10個百分點。 更糟糕的是,車厂方面會要求預先押付巨額預付款。
1. 很難說,多方面因素都有可能。油漆的處理,鋅合金問題等等。
2. 基本上應該歸結為材質問題,很難避免 。
- 無奈熊君
這次,他們又找來了英國基友幫忙,為什么要說又呢?因為之前他們已經這么干過一次了,1962年,他們把美國V8塞進了一台英國車身里頭,制造出非常漂亮,也是我個人非常喜歡的Shelby Cobra,雖然Cobra在賽場上表現出色,多次獲得GT組冠軍,但是由于在引擎布局和空气動力學上的先天缺陷,Cobra在對陣法拉利的原型車時顯得力不從心。所以這回他們故伎重演,又把美國發動机裝到了英國賽車Lola MK6的底盤上,造出了中置引擎的GT40。GT40連續參加了64,65兩屆勒芒賽事,但受制于穩定性問題,沒有一台能夠完賽。
但在1966年,換上了7L 427發動机的GT40終于大放异彩,三台GT40 MKII以1-2-3名排列沖線,包攬勒芒領獎台,并且在此之前,GT40 MKII已經拿下了Daytona和Sebring兩項大賽冠軍。而在這一年,法拉利則盡顯疲態,全軍覆沒。
恩佐•法拉利這塊硬骨頭當然不會善罷甘休,法拉利加快研發330 P4賽車,財政受限的意大利人顯然不可能像福特那樣不惜血本地大投入,P4依舊沿襲了法拉利的小排量V12傳統,但4.0L的發動机依舊可以爆發出450bp的馬力,而且車身也要比GT40輕得多,同時P4也號稱史上最美法拉利賽車,不過法拉利有不少最美車型,究竟哪台才是最美也只有讓車迷見仁見智了,反正我覺得250GTO比她美多了。話說回來,330 P4很快為法拉利扳回一城,在1967年的Daytona 24小時賽上,2台P4和1台P3同樣以1-2-3名排列沖線,在美國人的主場狠狠羞辱了美國佬一把。
這回又輪到美國人著急了,他們也匆匆將還研發中的GT40 MKIV投入賽場,MKIV車身設計完全不同于MKII,是一台徹頭徹尾的美國制造,相比MKII擁有更好的空气動力學設計,全鋁車身,減重140kg。在67年的Sebring 12小時賽上,僅有一台MKIV完賽,但卻幸運拿到冠軍,當然,遺憾的是那屆賽事法拉利P4并沒有參加,美國人可以說是胜之不武,所以最后的巔峰對決也就留到了勒芒。
讓我們先來看一組數字:勒芒史上公認最火的C組時代,奔馳C9在1989年奪冠,總里程是5265.12 km,而在此之前的88年,冠軍捷豹XJR-9的成績是5332.97 km,其余絕大部分年代,勒芒都少有超過5000km的總里程數。那在20多年前的67年,GT40 KMIV的成績又是多少呢? 5232.9 km!僅僅比歷史記錄少了100km,雖然這兩個年代的賽道略有不同,但也足以見得當時的車速有多快。
1967年6月,財大气粗的福特將4台MKIV和3台MKII送到勒芒,法拉利也不甘示弱,以3台P4和1台P3應戰。排位賽階段,由Bruce McLaren和Mark Donohue駕駛的2號GT40 MKIV以3:24.4順利取得杆位,另外3台MKIV則分別在3、4、9位發車;P3和P4則表現不佳,分列7,10,11,12位;一台查普雷2F則占据了2號位。
這里要順帶提一下查普雷2F這台奇葩車,查普雷是由前F1車手Hap Sharp和車手兼工程師Jim Hall一同創立的車厂,只制造原型賽車,在北美的各項賽事中一直屢有斬獲,一台查普雷2D參加了66年的勒芒賽事,可惜未能完賽,而這次他們將2台2F送到了勒芒,期望有所突破。2F造型獨樹一幟,高聳的可調尾翼提供了巨大的下壓力,這在當時是非常超前的設計,但看起來實在過于奇葩,雪佛蘭7.0發動机則提供了525bp的馬力,使得2F成為唯一可以挑戰GT40和P4的賽車。
比賽本身并無太多激動人心之處,因為9號位發車,由Dan Gurney和A. J. Foyt駕駛的的1號GT40 MKIV從90分鍾后就一直領先直到結束,Ludovico Scarfiotti和Mike Parkes駕駛的21號330 P4始終落后4圈,但在午夜時分倒是發生了一件小插曲,Parke駕駛的P4緊跟Gurney的MKIV(圈數落后4圈),Parkes一直閃大燈挑釁Gurney,被激怒的Gurney干脆在一個彎角處靠邊停車,Parkes也緊隨其后靠邊停下,2個男人,兩台車就這樣等待在勒芒漆黑的公路邊,然后。。。就沒有然后了,數分鍾后Parkes見挑釁不成便驅車离去,Gurney也駕車跟上,直到完賽他們的差距一直都是4圈。
這是繼1966年MKII包攬前三后,福特汽車歷史上的又一大里程碑,第一次,2個美國車手駕駛一台完全美國制造的賽車拿下勒芒冠軍! 而法拉利也并非一無所獲,他們拿到了當年的制造商總冠軍。
俗話說物极必反,事故頻發促使組委會改變規則,降低車速,GT40 MKIV和330P4一同被赶出了勒芒賽場,67年的對決成了他們的絕唱,MKIV直接被福特送進了博物館,而2台P4在稍作改裝后參加了Can-Am賽事,不過成績并不理想。
1. EXOTO Chaparral 2F 7號, 2號位發車, 未完賽
2. GMP Ferrari 330P4 21號, 7號位發車, 亞軍
3. EXOTO Ford GT40 MKIV 3號, 3號位發車, 未完賽, 創造最快
- SonicVelvet
(法國 里昂)
香港作為一個國際大都市,某些方面竟然連一個法國鄉下的二線城市都不如,這真令以精英自居的港人情以何堪!!! 難怪之前有人形容香港為文化沙漠,這次就連汽車模型這個範疇都給比下去了。
個人而言,本地的車模店當然絕對不差! 不差在於其貨源永遠做到全球第一間供應,除此之外,我覺得店舖的環境和設計方面應該還可以有很大的進步空間。
多年前人家已經結合樹脂膠+合金,AA學嘢啦。記得Autoart之前曾經大大聲宣佈其最新模型工藝: ABS樹脂車身而成的綜合模型汽車產品,還說要去註冊專利,怎知道成品真係好膠,最終雷聲大雨點小。
締造銷量傳奇的設計師Bruno Sacco,曾經參与四代S級(W116、W126、W140、W220)的設計工作。其中,W126的產品周期長達14年,創造了818105台的銷量奇跡,成為史上最暢銷的豪華車之一。
For all Versus Collectors:
I finally decided write about Versus so that model collector will know better what was this brand that disappeared in 2011 as everyone knows now with the Tsunami that destroyed few towns in the North East of Japan. Especially Rikusen Takata where Versus was making its modelcars The purpose is to share information about this famous brand. So that the Versus work of art still remains in collectors memory.
The builder of the brand, Masanori Akashi, was a hand craft builder that started to be world famous in 2006/2007. Early, I guess he was already famous in Japan where he was producing 1/18 scale models mainly from resin kits or transkits provided by APM. Fisrt the products he was realizing were under another brand M&H (at this stage, we are several persons to think that it is the names of Masanori’s daughters Maria and Hikari). In 2006/2007, the brand has already changed to Versus. On the Japanese market, another brand was used called Veloce because Masanori made also cars for Veloce who adapt transkits on real cars.
All the cars were made in very limited quantity but this is not for that reason that the cars have value in my eyes. The accuracy and the building of the cars are the best result achieved for non industrial 1/18 model cars (I only know this scale…) in my opinion of course. The car choices were in a word “Super cars and super tuned cars” I know this is already six words, but also “one off models under customer request also in 1/24 scale and 1/12 scale”, sorry I should have said in many words…
I list here the models I have in mind but will certainly forget many cars, sorry for that… and fell free to add all information that you want One other particularity is painting method, all painting has been completed with the PPG system (same as the Ferrari factory in Maranello), the best quality worldwide.
Super tuned cars:
Strosek: Only the Diablo Strosek Based on an APM resin full kit
- First the F48 which was a resin transkit for the Burago 348 TB, there are two versions, the TB and the TS;
- The Testarossa Koenig Twin Turbo, KS1, KS2, also in spider for the last two. All are APM resin kits;
- The F355 light tuned: based on a UT F355;
- The 512 BB based on an APM resin Kit.
Fabulous: Only the F430 based on a hotwheels with an APM resin transkit
- The 360 coupe and spider based on a hotwheels and enhanced with an APM resin transkit;
- The F430 coupe and roadster, fisrt edition with an APM transkit for a Hotwheels and the second based on an Elite F430 with a resin transkit (home made?);
- The 599 Fiorano: based on a hotwheels with a resin transkit;
- The California: based on an Elite with a resin transkit;
- The Murcielago Hamann coupe and roadster based on an autoart Murcielago.
Gemballa: The Testarossa and the MIG- U1 are both full resin kits (not from APM though)
Veilside: Only the Murcielago rodster and coupe based on the norev Murcielago
LB Performance: Only the Murcielago based on a Norev Murcielago
Novitec Rosso:
- The California: based on an Elite with a resin transkit;
- The F430 : based on an Elite with a resin transkit;
- The 599 Fiorano: based on a hotwheels/Elite with a resin transkit.
Other serie models:
- Diablo 6.0: Based on an APM resin full kit;
- Diablo SV: Based on an autoart with an APM resin transkit;
- Diablo VT: Based on an autoart with an APM resin transkit;
- Diablo SVR: Repaint of an Autoart Diablo SVR;
- Diablo SE35th: Based on an APM resin full kit;
- Scuderia 16M: based on a hotwheels with an APM transkit;
- F430 Super GT: based on a resin JP Model full kit in a different livery, Rosso Corsa, Carbon and Jim Gainer. This one is special in the fact that it is kind of a premium version called “PREMIER” with an evea base (but few cars come with an aluminium base).
GT Concept cars:
- F50: Based on an APM resin full kit;
- Enzo 2005: APM kit or transkit;
- Enzo Evoluzione (BBS rims): APM kit or transkit;
- 612 Scaglietti: APM kit or transkit;
- FXX: Based on an APM resin full kit;
- 360 Modena GTC Présentation.
One Off models:
- F40 GTE: Based on a burago with a scuderia modelli transkit (and perhaps robustelli transkit);
- F40 Evoluzione: Based on a burago with a Robustelli transkit;
- F40 Taisan #34 red/black: Based on a burago with a Robustelli transkit;
- F40 Taisan #40 red: Based on a burago with a Robustelli transkit;
- F40 LM: Based on a kyosho with an APM resin transkit;
- 288 GTO: Based on a burago with a Robustelli transkit;
- Diablo SE30 Purple coupe and Roadster. If you want to add more information feel free to do it.
1/10 Exoto LMC10011 Ford GT40 Mk II #1, Second, 1966 Le Mans 24 Hours, Ken Miles, Denny Hulme, L.E. 1/1,966, Individual Chassis Number.
The car that won LeMans in 1966…no, really! When asked which Ford GT40 was victorious at LeMans in 1966, most knowledgeable enthusiasts would describe the black and silver #2 car of Bruce McLaren and Chris Amon, and technically, they’d be correct.
After years of development, extensive testing, enormous investment, and tragic loss of life, Ford was finally ready to directly challenge Ferrari’s supremacy in the arena of long-distance sports car racing. In 1966, Ford Racing seeded the LeMans contest with no fewer than eight 7 litre GT40’s, in hopes of unseating the dominant Ferraris. As the grueling race unwound, engine failure and accidents eliminated all the competitive Ferraris, assuring Ford its first LeMans victory. In an act of near hubris, Ford decided to stage a ‘photo finish’ for its top three cars. Ronnie Bucknum and Dick Hutcherson driving car #5 were in third position, albeit 12 laps down. Chris Amon and Bruce McLaren piloting car #2, were in second on the lead lap, following Ken Miles and Denny Hulme in car #1. As the cars bunched up nearing the finish line, Miles inexplicably braked, allowing McLaren to slightly pull ahead and cross the line first. Ford crews believed the #2 car to be a full lap in arrears, but the race officials disagreed, and awarded the win to McLaren and Amon. The calculated margin of victory after 24 hours of brutal racing? 24 feet!
GT40’s have been extensively modeled, from 1:43 through 1:8 scales. This featured GT40 is from Exoto, and is extremely impressive in its 1:10 size. Although other manufacturers have done outstanding work with larger scale pieces, in our opinion, this Exoto model stands head and shoulders above the rest. The level of detail is mind-boggling, and the fit and finish propel this model to rank among the very best limited edition die cast pieces ever produced.
Firstly, it’s big, and it’s heavy, imparting to the viewer a very real sense of solidity and substance. The light blue paintwork is flawless, and the decal application is razor-sharp. A myriad of open body vents are painted flat black on the inside, with absolutely no overspray whatsoever; an incredible achievement which enhances the model’s realism. We’ll just touch on the detail highlights (from front to rear) but for the prospective owner, one can literally spend hours exploring this magnificent piece….it’s that good!
The perspex headlight and foglight covers fit perfectly into the bodywork and are convincingly secured with individual chrome-plated rivets. The head and fog light lenses are correctly patterned as well.
Carefully removing the wire-anchored hood pins allows the front spare tire cover to be raised on its substantial hinges, revealing a beautifully detailed compartment. Real leather straps secure the Goodyear tire and Halibrand wheel snugly in an aluminum-framed tub, while the remaining space is filled with the oil reservoir, steering rack, brake cooling hoses, and a lovely photo-etched coolant radiator.
The spare tire cover’s travel is limited by a braided wire strand, and a tiny, hinged access door is inset just above the oil filler cap. Remarkable!
Releasing the functional front clamshell latches and swinging the bodywork forward exposes just how much is going on ‘up front’. The entire oil reservoir now becomes visible, replete with metal tie-down straps and a nifty clear ’sight glass’ to quickly check oil levels.
The intricacies of the front suspension reveal themselves, with robust coilover shocks, braided brake lines, and flexible brake cooling ductwork. The head, running, and fog lights are all wired delicately and convincingly. By the way, the suspension is fully functional as well! Just to the right and ahead of the windscreen is the chrome-plated fuel filler cap with locking lever; all functional.
Snick open the door handle, and another whole world of detail is revealed. The doors themselves are secured with microscopic spring-loaded ball bearings which click right into their corresponding latches. Just to illustrate the lengths Exoto went to with this piece, there is a tiny chassis number plate affixed to the firewall just behind the driver’s seat. It reads ‘Ford Advanced Vehicles Ltd. Chassis no.____’. This metal plate isn’t printed, it’s stamped, with raised lettering. It is impossible to read without magnification, but it’s all there! The attention to detail is jaw-dropping. The door interiors feature hand applied rivets, real leather pull straps and fully functioning, locking perspex vent windows. The seats feature the iconic GT40 metal-ringed vents, four-point safely harnesses, leather-like seating surfaces, and again, in a fit of hyper-authenticity, the seat’s webbing support system is just visible below the side bolsters. The positionable gear lever sits just to the steering wheel’s right, and comes equipped with a working reverse lock-out lever! The glazed, chrome-bezeled instruments are readable, and the ten dash mounted toggle switches actually work. Nestled in the driver’s footwell are functional accelerator, brake, clutch, and dead pedals. The opposite footwell carries the battery, its hold-down bracket, and electrical cables. The perspex-covered fusebox is also on view, just forward of the passenger seat.
Travelling aft, remove the roof-mounted bonnet clip, flick open the side securing levers, tilt the clamshell rearward, and the thundering 7 litre heart of this beast is revealed in all its glory.
There is simply too much going on back here to elaborate fully. Suffice it to say that this is not only a model to enjoy, but one worthy of study, to determine how the real GT40 worked. Every fuel, coolant, and oil line is fabricated from braided wire, and secured with ubiquitous red and blue anodized A/N fittings.
Every scoop and vent is functional, allowing the viewer to understand just how cooling air was funneled to the engine bay and braking systems.
The massive dual exhausts are secured to the framework by a double coil spring arrangement, while the rear lip spoiler is fully height-adjustable. All four wheels are removable, as are the brake calipers and discs.
Exoto has produced one of the finest large-scale die cast models in history, which deserves a place of honor in any serious collection. It really is that good!
(Credit: aeromobilia)