
By admin, August 30, 2014 11:00 am

今天終於有時間開始幫我的那些Minichamps一級方程式賽車添加煙草贊助商水貼,首先完成的是這3台不同Marlboro贊助水貼的1974 Mclaren M23 Emerson Fittipaldi,在製作途中我參考了大量的歷史圖片,務求忠於原著做到最完美的還原。


剛好有朋友問起如何正確為模型車加水貼,這裡有一個很好的Demo視頻。我用的是Mr. MARKS SETTER (藍色),然後再用SOFTER(綠色) 令到Decal更加貼服在表面。

另外也可以參考這個詳細的The Decal & Conversion Tips,Guide & Advice帖子。

Emerson Fittipaldi was reunited with his McLaren M23 at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. Four decades after piloting the car to championship victory, Emerson got back behind the wheel of one of McLaren’s most iconic Grand Prix cars. He told us about his part in a Grand Prix season that was a turning point for the McLaren team.