這是瑞士藝術家Fabian Oefner的最新創作,他首先仔細把這些1比18的汽車模型解體,然後把每個部件都固定在預先設定好的位置逐一拍攝,然後用電腦重疊技術將這幾百張相片融為一體,得出來就是這樣令人驚嘆不已的特技效果。
題外話: 因為最佳的鏡頭對焦位置永遠只有一點,所以這個方法可以完全呈現車身整體的清晰程度。
爆炸跑車 解構時間
M.A.D. 藝廊Fabian Oefner影像展時間要不是在「孕育」中停止,就是在「崩解」中被創造。日內瓦藝廊MB&F M.A.D. Gallery展出瑞士藝術家Fabian Oefner撼動人心的「崩解」(disintegrating)系列作品,三幅作品呈現出經典跑車的爆炸景象,這是Fabian將最經典的敞篷跑車比例模型全數拆解、拍下每一枚精細零件的精確影像與位置、並耗費驚人的製作時間,最終才得以創造出此系列如幻影般的跑車爆炸成果。這個系列的影像呈現經典跑車爆炸的瞬間景象,包括:複雜、精細、美麗得令人難以想像的賓士300 SLR鷗翼車門Uhlenhaut Coupé(1954)、積架經典流線的黑色E-Type(1961),以及充滿肌肉線條的法拉利 330 P4(1967)。
Fabian Oefner於1984年生於瑞士。成長在一個有藝術背景的家庭,長大後的Fabian進入了藝術學院就讀,並取得產品設計的學位。他最令人稱道的風格,便是融合了藝術與科學兩個領域,創造出一幅幅訴諸理性與感性的圖像。他的作品始終關注並捕捉那些人類雙眼所難以覺察的生命瞬間:例如聲波、向心力(centripetal forces)、虹彩(iridescence)、火焰,甚至流體磁力(magnetic ferrofluids)等現象。
「崩解」系列作品不僅都與車輛有關,同時也讓觀賞者誤以為這些圖像都是經由電腦繪圖產生、並非真正的攝影作品,藉此達到愚弄觀賞者的效果。「我對於3D繪圖的俐落與簡潔總是十分著迷,因此我試著將這種類型的美學風格融入到真實攝影的力量當中。這些影像也與時間的捕捉有關。」Fabian Oefner解釋說,照片通常捕捉的都是時間裡的某個瞬間;然而他的「崩解」系列表達的,卻是創造時間裡的一個瞬間。「你從這些影像中看見的,是真實生活中從未存在的一個瞬間。」他表示:「視覺上,一輛車在瞬間被分崩離析,然而這個瞬間卻是由混和了無數張獨立照片所製造出來的人工產物。以人工方式創造一個瞬間有種特殊的樂趣,光是凍結時間裡的一個瞬間相較之下便顯得無趣。」
14歲的時候,Fabian發現一張Harold Edgerton拍攝子彈貫穿蘋果的照片,促使他爭取到生命中的第一台相機。「我在很早的時候便接觸過各種不同形式的藝術創作,」他說:「最終,攝影成了所有藝術形式中最讓我感興趣的一個。」之後,他更進一步結合了藝術與科學:他拍攝過玻璃纖維燈(fiberglass lamp)及爆破裝滿玉米澱粉的氣球所形成如羽毛或棉花糖般的「星雲」煙霧,也嘗試過彩晶漆被喇叭聲波震盪騰起的美麗反應,更捕捉過流體磁力引導水彩成為渠道般的奇妙圖樣,以及向心力所形塑出的瑰麗水彩圖像。
Fabian表示:「我試著將這些現象用一種前所未見的詩意形式表現出來,觀賞者會因此停下腳步,讚嘆這些經常圍繞在我們身邊的美妙魔法。」他在瑞士距離蘇黎士四十分鐘車程的阿勞有間攝影工作室,其作品僅透過全球各地的私人銷售管道直接售予買家,同時也承接過國際性大品牌的委託案、廣告,以及相關藝術計畫,這些作品都可以在他的500px.com網站上欣賞。Fabian Oefner作品於日內瓦M.A.D. Gallery藝廊展出的時間為11月27日至2014年5月。
(文:信報Patrick Chiu)
他就是來自法國的迷你賽車場景大師Jean-Claude Baudier。
Baudier 自幼喜歡賽車運動,尤其是家鄉舉世聞名的勒芒24小時耐力賽。他也喜歡收藏模型車,但由於不滿於單調的擺設,所以開始了自家製作的場景。
慢慢地他的作品為人知道和讚許,終于在1986年Baudier和其它8名成員成立了CHRONO 43工作室專門為客人製作賽車場景,他們的團隊已經累積了超過30年的賽車場景製作經驗,而且更出過一本專門講述他們製作過過程的場景書籍,在其中分享製作過程和經驗。
前幾天有人在香港機場拍到了這個震撼的場面,運輸車上面赫然承載的竟然是全球只剩下3台60年代火紅的法拉利戰車330 P4!!!
但是仔細觀看之下,總覺得神韻方面缺少了些什麼,不太可能是底盤為0856 (P4, 67 Lemans #24)/0858 (p4, 67 Lemans #21)/0860 (P4, 67 Lemans #19)/的3台真品。而且價值連城的330 P4 (應該過億港幣) 不可能就這麼任由一台普通運輸車加上沒有保安的情況下走在公路上。
後來有朋友指出,這個很可能又是另一台330 P4的Replicas複製車。
All of the P4s built are accounted for.
By chassis number:
0846 the only P3/4 was originally built early in 1966 as a P3 by Ferrari. It was modified in December 1966 to accept a P4 engine and it’s wheelbase was decreased P3 2412mm to P4 2400mm. It retained its P3 nose and chassis and vestigial P3 engine mounts becoming a P 3/4. This vehicle was damaged in an accident at Le Mans and was discarded by Ferrari.
Recently, many components of the original P3/4 0846 including it’s original P 3/4 chassis have resurfaced in the possession of exotic car collector and enthusiast James Glickenhaus, a former movie director and stock exchange magnate. Although both he and David Piper (from whom he acquired the car) thought it one of three replica P4 chassis constructed with the blessing of Enzo Ferrari in the mid 70ies from Factory P4 Chassis Blueprints given to David Piper by Enzo Ferrari, a recent “Death Bed Statement” of Tom Meade’s confirms that Tom Meade bought, Directly From Enzo Ferrari, in the early 70ies, Ferrari P 3/4 0846’s original fire damaged chassis which had been put in the Ferrari Factory Scrap Yard after 0846’s accident at Le Mans in 1967 and later sold 0846’s original P 3/4 chassis to the original chassis maker who repaired and sold it, unbenounced to David Piper, who thought the original chassis maker was making three new P4 Chassis from the original P4 chassis blueprints Enzo Ferrari gave to him. 0846’s Original P3/4 Chassis is different from, and can not be made from P4 Blueprints.
Nearly all of the tube frame chassis and other components from the original wrecked P3/4 0846 are part the car owned by James Glickenhaus today. This discovery has stirred debate. The Ferrari Market Letter recently reported: “While Ferrari insists that 0846 was scrapped and is no more, a car exists with strong claims to be the resurrection of that car.” Its tube frame chassis appears to be a P3 Chassis modified to hold a P4 engine, as was the case with 0846 exclusively, and the damage from two contemporary racing accidents appears in the frame as well. The car’s transmission, engine heads, and steering rack also include the correct Le Mans scrutineering marks, linking them to P3 0846 and P3/4 0846 of 1966 and 1967. P3/4 0846 was road tested by Car and Driver magazine.
Since 2002 Ferrari S.p.A. has published the fact on their official web site Ferrari.com in the owners section, in Ferrari S.p.A’s sole discretion, that Ferrari P 3/4 Chassis 0846 is owned by James Glickenhaus since July 2000, when he bought it from David Piper. The legal identity of this particular car that James Glickenhaus has owned since July 2000 as published by Ferrari S.p.A. on their copyrighted web site was established when James Glickenhaus informed Ferrari S.p.A. that he was registering this car as 1967 Ferrari 330 P4 Chassis 0846 with US Motor Vehicle Authorities in 2000 and if Ferrari believed this was not true that they had the duty to act within a two year period which they did not. “The common law doctrine of estoppel by acquiescence is applied when one party gives legal notice to a second party of a fact or claim, and the second party fails to challenge or refute that claim within a reasonable time. The second party is said to have acquiesced to the claim, and is estopped from later challenging it, or making a counterclaim. The doctrine is similar to, and often applied with, estoppel by laches.”
- 0856 remains in its original state and is owned by Lawrence Stroll
- 0858 was converted into a 350 Can-Am by Ferrari but is now fitted with a replica P4 Coupe body.
- 0860 was also converted by Ferrari to a 350 Can-Am but is presently wearing a replica P4 Spyder body and is in a French automobile museumThe Ferrari 330 P4 made a notable appearance in the video game Forza Motorsport 2. The P4 in Forza Motorsport 3 is patterned on P3/4 0846 which James Glickenhaus made available to Microsoft and James Glickenhaus is credited by Microsoft in Forza Motorsport for making his P3/4 0846 available to them for this purpose. The P4 also appears in the video game Gran Turismo 5, as one of the most expensive 20 million classics on the game.
P4 Replicas
Due to the great fame and sleek appearance of the original design, more than a hundred P4 replicas of various design have been built. A high-quality P4 replica built with genuine Ferrari engine (e.g., a 400i V12) may command as much as $200,000, but simpler ones (often with Rover engines and Renault drive-trains) fetch around $50,000.
There have also been replica chassis built:
- 0900 was a continuation commissioned and currently owned by David Piper
- 0900a is another currently unfinished continuation also owned by Piper
- 0900b is a third continuation, but is still under construction. Its frame was made in the 2000s by Piper for an American customer.
Update: Aug 2, 2015
在最近的一次SMD,這台330P4 Kit Car的車身號碼變成了1967年勒芒第二位的21號!
Ferrari 330 P4, #21, 2nd place, 1967 24 Hours of LeMans, Ludovico Scarfiotti, Mike Parkes
Update: Feb 21, 2016
兩個都是曾經如日方中的車中之神,當Schumacher駕駛著Fangio當年50年代橫掃千軍的W196R Streamliner時,想必他一定正在跟Fangio的靈魂跨時空切磋著。
旁邊的那台W196R Monoposto真車更是如此漂亮,比CMC那個老掉牙的模具精細得多了! 真是的,都十幾年了,這麼出名的歷史名車,CMC也不考慮更新一下Monoposto的細節,太令人失望了,哎…
今天在翻看車模目錄時發現Autoart將會推出一系列以Porsche 962C為主的戰車。當中最令人矚目的是87年Le Mans的17號Rothsmans冠軍車(編號為88770 ALT),但隨之而來的是失望,取消的原因有點令人摸不著頭腦。
我猜應該是Spark已經生產過此車(編號為18LM87) Porsche 962 C, No.17 Le Mans Winner 1987 Hans-Joachim Stuck – Derek Bell – Al Holbert﹔另外就是如何妥當處理好Rothsmans煙草拉花的麻煩問題。
基於以上兩個考慮因素,所以AA干脆直接打消了整個生產1987年Le Mans冠軍車的念頭。