
This is the once in a lifetime opportunity for the McLaren collector! From my personal collection and in very good shape!
This model is quite easily explained impossible to find and really a true rare model!
This is without a doubt the rarest UT model ever produced and also the most sought after of them all!
The experienced McLaren collector already know what this is.
I have collected McLarens for many years and this is as rare as it gets from a commercial producer like UT!
They were released in a rumored 20 Silver units and 100 Dark Blue ones.
These prototypes of the McLaren LM were released as promos before the widely known orange UT McLaren came out.
There are some notable differences like metal door hinges instead of the common plastic ones and an all silver/black interior with added details!
It also has all silver exhaust tips and a silver/black engine compared to the normal orange one.
This model came to me in an UT “blue box” which is impossible to confirm as the original as some came with blue boxes and others with a white one.
其實車模市場價格跟股票一樣,每天都在變動,當中有不少熱門當炒的產品,如一眾真正的車模”豪宅”,指的是那些絕版已久的Exoto、CMC還有GMP 。當然市場上也有不少濫竽充數、充斥場面的車模”假豪宅”。
最好的一個例子莫過於Autoart最近的那台頭文字D AE86,高位見港幣2500,近來低位見港幣1000,還有行內人說日本的再版訂價才港幣900左右,真OMG! 不知道那些高位入貨的朋友們是否會捶胸頓足,感嘆一時的衝動所造成的經濟損失。不過收藏品這回事,買了就別再看最新價錢,免得傷心,認真了,你就真的輸了。