今天偶然在一個叫Diecast Rumblings的美國肌肉討論區發現了這個近期在Canton Area舉行的肌肉車展。別誤會,這個Canton Area不是廣州,而是在美國的Ohio省,哈哈。
今天偶然在一個叫Diecast Rumblings的美國肌肉討論區發現了這個近期在Canton Area舉行的肌肉車展。別誤會,這個Canton Area不是廣州,而是在美國的Ohio省,哈哈。
今天找到了幾張由英國專業汽車攝影師Jeremy Cliff所拍的作品。
同樣是Lamborghini Miura痴迷的我很幸運地早前有幸也入手了一台絕版的京商草綠色Miura,哈哈。
The Lamborghini Miura, often considered “automotive royalty” by some, is one of my favorite vehicles in existence.
When the text message came through with a photo of this car and the question “do you want to shoot this?” I immediately called and said yes.
Fast forward a few hours later and Matt Magnino and I were standing in front of this beautiful machine.
I’ve shot and been around some incredible cars in the last couple of years, but I think this is one of the only ones that has literally stopped me in my tracks when I walked into the room it was in.
It really is one of the most gorgeous vehicles I have ever seen.
I have been on a light-painting kick lately and with this shoot it was no different.
We immediately set to work and knocked out the images you see here in not much time at all.
This car in particular is a 1968 and has had a complete restoration by Bobileff Motorcar Company out of California.
The exterior was completed with a “Pistachio Verde” green while the interior received LeMans Blue. The color combination on this car couldn’t have been better in my opinion.
The “lime green” as most people will call it goes so well with the deep royal blue on the inside.
I’m extremely happy with how this set turned out, especially for being such a spur of the moment occasion.
If everything goes well I may have another set of this car in a nice outdoor location.
Keep your fingers cross for that one!
Since photographing this car I have come across a red & gold Lamborghini Miura S that I hope to photograph in the very near future as well.
網上找到的圖片,銀色和藍色的UT Mclaren F1之前還真沒見過。
今天在DZ看到由GMP老闆提供的有趣資料,想不到最受歡迎的竟然是Fast and Furious里出現過的1987年Buick GNX,難看死了,果然美國人的口味跟我們很不一樣。
當然最暢銷未必就等於是最經典和最好看的款式,這個Top 10排行榜就是個很好的例子。
10. GMP part number 7624 with total production run of 4200 is the #2 STP Vintage Dirt Champ driven by Mario Andretti. This was the fourth release in the GMP Dirt Champ Series, and probably one of the most recognizable with its awesome orange paint job!
9. Another Dirt Champ makes the list. GMP part number 7622 with total production run of 4260 is the #2 Sheraton Thompson Vintage Dirt champ driven by AJ Foyt. This was the second release in the Dirt Champ Series and an instant hit! We did quite a few of AJ’s cars over the years including vintage sprints, midgets, and gt40s. He was one of Tom Long’s all time favorite drivers.
8. The first muscle car on the list. GMP part number 8022 with total production run of 4464 is the 1968 Grumpy’s Toy V Drag Nova. This was the second Nova ever produced by GMP, and met with instant success as it pre-sold out.
7. TIE: with production totals of 4500: GMP part number 8081, 1967 Ford Fairlane 390 GT in Candy Apple Red, and GMP part number G1804101, #6 Ferrari 330P4.
The Fairlane was GMP’s first ever Fairlane to be produced, and was met with great anticipation from the collector. GMP designers put all they had into the development of this model, even implementing working window cranks! This was an excellent model, and would have been perfect if not for some faulty packaging that caused several rear windows to arrive cracked.
The #6 Ferrari 330P4 was a groundbreaking model for GMP. It was the model that would take us to the next level, and it didn’t disappoint. Over 800 parts were used to bring this Masterpiece together, and everyone took notice!
6. TIE: Total production for these iconic racers sits at 5000. GMP parts numbers 14101 and 13021. The 14101 is the Pierson Brothers Salt Flat Coupe. Opening hood, doors (with functional handles of course), and trunk revealed every detail you could imagine.
Tied with The Pierson is one of the most famous road racers in history. The #36 1967 Penske Sunoco Trans Am Camaro driven by Mark Donohue. This would be the first Camaro ever produced by GMP, and the response was incredible.
5. GMP part number 14001 with a total production run of 5004. This is our first vintage rail dragster! The Swamp Rat I driven by “Big Daddy” Don Garlits. This was an awesome kick-off to a great line of vintage dragsters that would come from GMP.
4. GMP part number 8005 with a production of 5196: GMP’s Black 1986 Buick Grand National. Let me start off by saying something about Buick guys…… I have to say it would be very hard for anyone to find such a diehard group of enthusiasts! This was the fifth Buick we released, and we didn’t make enough! We probably could have made 7000.
3. TIE: GMP part numbers 14002 and 14003 with production totals of 5904. Here we are again with “Big Daddy” Don Garlits. His Swamp Rat 1B and Swamp Rat III follow in the footsteps of the Swamp Rat I as the second and third dragsters produced by GMP, and they did not disappoint. They were both sold out before arriving at our doors!
2. GMP part number 14004 with total production of 6000. The Yellow Greer Black and Prudhomme front engine dragster. This was the fourth vintage dragster we released, and we all assumed that after the success of the Swamp Rats that things might drop off a little. Yet the orders kept coming and coming and coming until finally we had to make a decision on where to stop.
1. Drum roll please!!!! The number one GMP seller of all time with a staggering total production run of 8547 is the BLACK 1987 BUICK GNX. This was the third Buick release, and after over 3500 ’87 GNs and 4500 ’86 T-types had already sold, we dumb Georgia boys slowly started to realize there was something to this Buick craze we had been told about. The whole GMP team did a great job bringing this project to fruition!
昨天星期天萬里無雲,我的經驗告訴我那些罕見的超跑或者老爺車通常會在這樣的天氣下出巡。果然不出我所料,從家出去那麼一會兒的功夫,就看見了一台銀色的F355、黃色的敞篷F360以及這台年紀已經超過45歲的奔馳280S。寶藍色的車身配上銀色上身的特別款式挺像同期的那些Rolls Royce Two-Tone般優雅高貴。我經過的它時候,還特意給了車主一個FB讚的大拇指動作,車主會心微笑,禮貌地點了點頭,看來他和它都很高興,因為找到了知音,哈哈…
上星期天在港島區灣仔吃完午飯,曾經在餐廳門口就遇見過這台最新款的啞黑色Bentley Continental GT, 輪子實在大得有些不合比例,應該有22寸之巨! 這個部位倒是Minichamps那個2012版的Continental GT做得最神似,所以我這個標準的賓利迷一台都沒買,呵呵。
巧的是今天在九龍旺角又看見了它, 經過的中東人都拼命地拍照,還不停地讚嘆 “Such a nice car!”,看來這種Style在紙醉金迷的阿布扎比應該極受歡迎。
剛剛接到通知,我最後贏了這台罕有的Moss大爺親筆簽名限量500台的Jaguar D-Type,哈哈。
唯一不爽就是成交價+拍賣佣金+VAT+信用卡2% = 很不白菜,不過沒關係,因為這是我喜歡的,千金難買心頭好嘛。
然后發現這台當年Autoart特別為英國Diecast Legends製作的樣式跟最近Exoto的那台1954 Lemans #12是一模一樣的,當然細節不能相提並論,因為AA的是10年前的水準,但外型倒是一樣的,還有价格便宜了六倍以上。