小宗喺運輸署查過車牌登記,呢批市值超過二千萬嘅靚車,都由一個叫 Andrew Hui嘅人持有,佢從事製衣生意。嗰架最「普通」嘅 S500,今年年中先落地,出車價差唔多兩球,真係劏房戶都買到一間呀!而論搶眼,當然係兩部勞斯萊斯,其中落地七年嘅 Phantom,如今八球嘢先有交易;另一架一望已知係老爺車,出廠年份係一九六二年。呢啲年紀嘅勞斯萊斯,多數只係用作收藏或展覽。去一趟工廈 car park就有「車展」睇,抵!
Well, it’s about time, battery normally last for 3 years, this is the first time I encountered such error and the 2nd time EQL went wrong, the first time was due to a failed disk.
event: 28.4.31
time: Sun Jul 14 21:43:29 2013
NVRAM battery failed. Power failure could result in loss of data.
Critical health conditions exist.
Correct immediately before they affect array operation.
NVRAM battery failed and must be replaced.
There are 1 outstanding health conditions. Correct these conditions before they affect array operation.
Active control module cache is now in write-through mode. Array performance is degraded.
Note the Write Latency shoots up right away because Write Back Mode is disabled although you can force to use Write Back mode.
Called Dell Pro-Support, will replace by tomorrow, cause I don’t feel doing it tonight.
Update: 7/15/2013
Dell’s engineer came to the site this afternoon and fixed the problem within 5 minutes, simply swapped out the active controller card (where NVRAM battery failed), and almost right away the standby controller kicked in, I noticed only 2 ping were lost in both grpadmin and vm IP address during the controller switch over. Finally the engineer said I’m probably the first one in Hong Kong who had a battery failed in EQL, most of the problems are related to disk, the power supply, then controller card.
I can’t think of any reason anyone don’t like this kind of high redundancy with easy maintenance built in mind! Bravo! Equallogic!