恭喜發財! 自製大年初一西式大餐!

By admin, February 10, 2013 9:34 pm

今天有幸品嘗到了超嫩的紐西蘭小羊架,製作方法非常簡單,用Olive Oil和香草腌大概5分鐘,然後焗15分鐘就大功告成,味道超級的好! 覺得比城中名店Sabatini的羊架還要好吃得多! 而且全部成本才$150,太合算了,這個當然要多謝從事食品進出口生意朋友的優惠。


Onion Soup with Parmesan Cheese
New Zealand Baby Lamb Rack
Brussel Sprout from US
Red Wine from Bordeaux
French Lemon Tart





By admin, February 10, 2013 6:25 pm

今天早上沒有警車叔叔的例行公事,於是大家都很放心地隨便泊車,包括這台黑夜戰神保時捷996 Turbo!

恭喜! 恭喜!

996 Turbo

Bruce McLaren and His Legend

By admin, February 7, 2013 2:14 pm

“Life is not measured in years alone but in achievement…”

正宗的Lamborghini Baby Blue

By admin, February 6, 2013 4:03 pm

最近AA推出的LP700藍色嚴格來講仍然不是正宗的林寶Baby Blue,真不明白生產這個柔和的顏色為什么這麼困難﹖


倒是10年前京商的那台罕有Countach QV顏色做正確了。


Canon EOS 6D明顯是雞肋

By admin, February 6, 2013 12:27 pm


比較了一下功能,重量以及售價,號稱全副FF的入門版6D明顯是雞肋,比上不足(5D2、5D3),比下有餘否 (貴過60D很多)。

最重要是十字對焦只有一點,所以對焦太慢,影BB、運動等完全跟不上,還不如EOS 7D。

另外發現兩年前買的那隻APS-C鏡王EF-S 17-55mm f2.8 IS USM售價竟然要9千多,比當初的7千頭還要貴上1/3,看來全拜日圓升值所賜,所以之前有攝影前輩提醒購買高級相機鏡頭是一種保值的投資的確有其道理。

Equallogic: RAID 5 and No-Spare Configurations Not Recommended

By admin, February 6, 2013 11:29 am

This is the latest recommendation from Dell Equallogic, found in Firmware 6.0 Release Note:

Beginning with this release, the Group Manager GUI no longer includes the option for configuring a group member to use RAID 5 for its RAID policy. RAID 5 carries higher risks of encountering an uncorrectable drive error during a rebuild, and therefore does not offer optimal data protection. Consequently, Dell recommends against using RAID 5 for any business-critical data.

RAID 5 may still be required for certain applications, depending on performance and data availability require-ments. To allow for these scenarios, you may still use the CLI to configure a group member to use RAID 5.

For a complete discussion of RAID policies on PS Series systems, review the Dell Technical Report titled PS Series Storage Arrays: Choosing a Member RAID Policy, which can be downloaded from either of the following locations:

• www.equallogic.com/resourcecenter/documentcenter.aspx

• en.community.dell.com/techcenter/storage/w/wiki/equallogic-tech-reports.aspx

In addition, Dell recommends against using RAID configurations that do not use spare drives. You should convert all group member that are using a no-spares RAID policy to a policy that uses spare drives.

Known Issues and Limitations

The following restrictions and known issues apply to this version of the PS Series Firmware. For information about known issues and restrictions from other releases, see the Release Notes for those versions. For issues about Dell EqualLogic FS Series Appliances, refer to the Dell EqualLogic FS Series Appliances Release Notes. For issues and limitations pertaining to host operating systems and iSCSI initiators, refer to the iSCSI Initiator and Operating System Considerations document.

RAID Conversion From No-Spares To Spares Does Not Work
RAID conversion from a no-spares policy to a spares policy appears to work, but it actually converts to no-spares, resulting in no change. (Funny :) )

SAN HQ 2.5, HIT Microsoft 4.5 and HIT VMware 3.5

By admin, February 6, 2013 10:36 am

I am pretty happy with SANHQ 2.2, HIT MS 4 and HIT VMware 3.1, and there aren’t much new features I need, so I choose to delay the upgrade for the time being.

Furthermore, there are two interesting videos presented by Dell EQL User Group in Taiwan (in Chinese), the following new features were intensively mentioned as well. (Part 1 and Part 2)

SAN HQ 2.5 Announcement

Dell announces Host Integration Tools for Microsoft 4.5

Dell Announces Host Integration Tools for VMware 3.5

Note: HIT for VMware v3.1.1, and earlier, is not compatible with Equallogic Firmware Version, 6.0, of the PS Series Firmware. A later version must be installed prior to upgrading to Version 6.0, for compatibility.

法拉利F355大對比: 京商 vs 風火輪 vs UT vs 真車

By admin, February 5, 2013 10:13 pm


京商 (明顯後半部份拉長了,而且價格高昂)


風火輪 (應該延用之前的模具,前臉顯得不夠威風)


UT (經典之王,型準而且當年性價比一流!)




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