重塑紅旗風采 (轉文)

By admin, January 22, 2013 12:34 pm


他不時風趣的扮着鄧小平的口脗說:「同志們好!」他駕車時,有警察向他敬禮,車子一停在街頭就會惹起途人爭相拍照。他是香港廚具大王、康加集團主席汪恩 光,今年62歲的他喜愛收藏古董車,醉心六十年代專為領導人而設的國產紅旗車,一儲便是七架。他穿州過省找零件,花逾百萬將爛鐵一樣的舊車拆散,翻新再組 裝,重現紅旗風采,連法國人都垂涎,要將汪恩光一手翻新的紅旗車放到法國東部的米盧斯(Mulhouse)國家汽車博物館裏去。

記者:冉藹莉 攝影:梁志永 麥永健







於1958年,中央領導人鄧小平及楊尚昆等到一汽汽車製造廠巡視中國第一架國產小轎車後,便下令為建國十周年慶典製造一架國產高級轎車。同年就生產了第一 架檢閱車,是紅旗的雛形。翌年成功生產首批33架CA72型紅旗車,其中10架被選出參與天安門舉行的建國十周年慶典,從此紅旗車就成為中央各部委和各省 市作接待的專車。直至1981年,紅旗車因耗油大、生產成本高而停產,20多年來只出產過1540架,共30多個型號。雖然九十年代曾再次推出復刻版,但 內部裝潢都已現代化,完全失去昔日的情懷。

紅旗車最威風的時代汪恩光還是個小學生,父親經營衣車零件機器生意,一放學他就會從旁協助父親,自小就 對機械着迷。「無論是燒焊怎樣才稱得上好,抑或汽車發動機的型號,我比一般小朋友都更早認識。」當年香港的街道上不是英、德房車,就是現已停產、出名易生 銹的日產太子牌房車。16歲的他有次參觀當年在亞皆老街的中國出口商品陳列館,紅旗車就是其中一件展品。望着不同省市的車,上海、北京或井岡山等,都讓他 震驚。「印象中當時很少人接觸中國事物,甚至不敢踏足大陸,見到中國能製作出如此高級的汽車,實在有點震驚,感覺已經超越日本。」從此對紅旗車留下深刻印 象。

汪恩光的第一架古董紅旗車絕對得來不易,在東莞開設廚具生產工廠的他,95年得悉當地一個食品企業家擁有一部如同爛鐵的紅旗車,兩年來一直無 間斷追問下,結果他以誠意打動車主轉讓收藏。由於車主沒有時間打理,又不懂翻新工藝,知道汪恩光是惜車之人便決定割愛。當汪恩光把紅旗車拖走,並遞上 8.8萬元紅封包作心意時,車主亦捨不得落下淚來。







3.8萬買車 160萬整車

從此他一聽到哪裏有古董紅旗的下落,他就去追尋,逐一將它們翻新,為爛鐵重塑昔日風釆。要將一架殘舊的紅旗車重新包裝並非易事,尤其在香港,03年他在報 紙見到一小格廣告,寫着「世界名車紅旗出讓」,他便即時打電話查詢,對方開價60萬,他知道全球只有13架右軚紅旗車,都是專為駐外國使館而設,這就是其 中一架,但那部車爛得不能開動,他還價拉鋸一輪,最終以3.8萬元成交;當時他已擁有三架紅旗車,都放在東莞的廠房,「新車」入手,令他成為香港唯一一架 紅旗車車主。買下那架「爛鐵」第一個難題就來了,怎樣將這件「死車」從迴旋形停車場的六樓帶離?結果單是拖車費就花逾萬元,「一拖車,生銹的零件如裙邊、 門、尾箱等,像餅乾碎一樣跌落化成灰塵。」

當時一直幫他修理老爺車的老師傅,聽到他找到架紅旗車既震驚又興奮,拍心口說:「我從未修理過紅旗車, 但一定幫你完成。」當時預算花40萬把車子翻新,但把車拆開後,發現存在問題太多,單是燒焊、噴漆不夠完美;他決定要將整架車拆散,再從頭逐個部件翻新再 組裝,為了找零件,他往來長春達六次之多。「以前民國時期並沒有軍管,有些人把貴價品收藏起來,今日在當地的跳蚤市場或舊物市場,有時也會有紅旗車的零件 擺出來。」對內地人來說,紅旗車的部件是他們很嚮往的物品,愛放在家裏當裝飾,他曾經在長春一民宅,見到一個儀錶放在木架上讓人欣賞。他把零件一個一個買 回來,當地朋友知道他的瘋狂,也合力找,又介紹車廠的朋友給他認識,結果他想要甚麼,都尋得到。「每一次去到都找到,我心想,是否真的跟紅旗車有緣?」結 果這架全港唯一的紅旗車,經歷了七年時間翻新,埋單計數共花了逾160萬。





有次兩位來自法國的藝術家,到汪恩光的廚具廠參觀和洽商,發現放在停車場的紅旗車,令他們興奮不已,「我們找了很久也找不到。」原來他們一直為法國米盧斯 博物館尋找紅旗車,經幾次磋商後促成對方以一輛布加迪(Bugatti)交換他的CA770型紅旗,今年8月會在博物館中舉辦交換儀式。「縱使不捨,也會 割愛。」他慶幸自己的心血可永遠留存於博物館內。

關於”紅旗” 橋車側標志的設計:

1959年在CA72定型時採用了”五面紅旗”方案, 其含義是當時正值提倡成立”人民公社”, “人民公社”的特點是”工,農,兵,學, 商”五位一體。

1960年正值中國提出”總路線,大跃進,人民公社為三面紅旗”, 根據北京某軍方領導人建議改為”三面紅旗” 。

但CA770樣車設計採用了一面紅旗, 原因是彭真同志認為”三面紅旗”(大跃進,總路線,人民公社)从根本意義來講在於毛澤東思想這”一面紅旗”。

1/18 紅旗黨


Ops…After So Many Years, Now HKIX Announced New Charging Model

By admin, January 22, 2013 10:27 am

Important HKIX Announcement on New Charging Model

HKIX was established in April 1995, using spare resources of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.  At the onset, HKIX could be offered as a free-of-charge service to the early participants with moderate network traffic.  But over the years, with the growth in the demand for Internet traffic exchange and e-business, we have now grown into a critical Internet infrastructure covering 190+ autonomous systems and exchanging 250+ Gbps of data at peak time.  To support such a huge network, the configuration of HKIX has also evolved from a primitive coaxial cable to Ethernet switches and to the now top-end equipment and technologies.

Obviously, it is not possible to leverage the network economy of the whole Hong Kong with virtually no cost.  In 2005, we introduced the penalty-based cost-recovering model with a hope to curb abuse and to recover most of the cost.  After eight years, we find that this extremely conservative model is not sustainable in front of the exponential growth in network traffic volume and growth in the demand for new connections.  Together with the higher expectation of all the participants in the service, it calls for a continuous upgrade of the HKIX infrastructure in capacity and resilience.  This requires substantial periodic capital investment and operating expenses.  It is unfair and impossible for the university to subsidize the operation indefinitely.  In fact, we have to do a major upgrade in 2013 to cope with the ever-increasing demand and to improve our resilience further with site resilience at the core.

In order to make the HKIX operation truly self-sustained in long term and to prepare for the continuous growth in the future while we could keep HKIX as a not-for-profit service, we have no choice but to implement a full-cost-recovery model, i.e. simple port charge model.  This charging mechanism is actually the industry norm, which is fair and consistent for all participants.

Simple port charge model will be implemented starting 01-JAN-2013 for all new participants and new connection requests. For existing participants with no change of connections, the existing terms and conditions will not change until 30-JUN-2013.  To further ease the transition, we shall still provide to each participant up to 2 free FE/GE ports in total (counting all ports at all HKIX sites) until 30-JUN-2014.  After 30-JUN-2014, all ports will be chargeable.

The new port charges (applied to all HKIX sites) will be:

FE/GE: US$120/port/month (no one-time connection charge) 10GE: US$1,000/port/month (plus one-time non-refundable connection charge: LR – US$2,300; ER – US$7,000)

(Exchange Rate: US$1=HK$7.8)

We strongly believe the charges laid down are on the low side when compared to other parts of the world.  Nevertheless, we shall review the charges periodically and uphold our principles of fairness and consistency.

If you have any queries regarding this new arrangement, please feel free to contact our core team at hkix-core at itsc.cuhk.edu.hk.

We thank you for your understanding and wish you’ll have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.