今天突然發現CMC運作了近10年得簽名薄和論壇竟然Shut Down了!
當然閉關自守的後果再也簡單不過,就是自以為是,陷入難堪的困境,如最近Ferrari 250 GT California擋風玻璃角度的嚴重問題就是個很好的負面教材。
Marien left a comment in my blog, in which he pointed out a very useful tool for correctly selecting Dell Poweredge 12G server memory configuration.
For me, highest speed (now it’s in 1600Mhz) is always my first choice, sometimes, I would rather trace off less total memory for the speed as memory is the top competing resource among many VMs on the same host. Therefore, you do need to know DPC (Dimm per Channel) inside out.
Memory power consumption is the 2nd most important factor, so I always select Low Voltage (LV) 1.35 Volts as they do save quite a bit when you add up all the sticks.
Finally, 16GB is becoming the norm these days, a 288GB ESX host is no longer a dream especially when the good news of vSphere 5.1 removed the vTax limitation.
PS. Another thing I learn about the new R720 is the latest 12G server uses at least 1/4 less power than previous 11G R710 which is a great news!
今天突然發現Autoart釋放出了2000 GT 褐色升級版的衛星圖片。
作為一個瘋狂的2000 GT車模收藏家,我認為AA簡直當我們收藏家白痴,這簡單的輪轂換成了鋼絲的樣子就等於要幾乎50%的提價,至於嗎﹖我還沒提4年前買白色的2000 GT時才港幣550左右,大概55Euro,這樣算的話,那可是1.6倍的提昇啊! 看來AA最近的確想錢想瘋了,完全走火入魔了,是否真的如江湖傳聞所說最近AA銷量大減、現金流出現問題那就不得而知了。
Boring as usual, it’s all about Windows 8, non of the sales there have deep knowledge about Windows Server 2012 and Hyper-V 3.0, the ones in front panel just non-stop blablablala…those noise really put me into sleep, except Microsoft promotion girls are always the center of the flash.
I ended up leaving much early than expected, I am not going to attend this kind of seminar anymore in the future for sure, it’s a completely waste of my time.
Yeah, it’s New York City again!
True beauty always last forever ! To me, Audrey is always graceful no matter on screen or off screen.