
By admin, August 23, 2012 5:35 pm

這些都是屬于美國肌肉車模店老大Supercar Collectibles的獨家產品,早年制作的1比18清一色金色車模竟然最后的拍賣价過上万!




US $2,351.00 [ 42 bids ]

ITEM #32485APG – 1969 DODGE CHARGER  DUKES OF HAZZARD DIRTY VERSION GENERAL LEE 1:18 SCALE GOLD PLATED 1 of 1 SAMPLE CAR. It is called the “Dirty Version” as the replica car appears to have been driven on the dirt back roads of Hazzard County. This item is the original Gold Plated sample car made for Supercar Collectibles for the approval process. Only one Gold Plated sample car was made, and it will come with a certificate stating that this is the original sample car. Differences from the original 8 production cars, include “no production date” stamped on the chassis,  and the stamp on the muffler stating “1 of 8″ is not there (the original 8 production cars had the stamp on the muffler “1 of 8″.   This car has been out of the box, and handled by the staff at RC2 ERTL, and the staff of Supercar Collectibles, as part of the inspection and approval process. Being that this car is the sample car and prototype, it does have the typical inconsistencies with the application of the “dirt overspray” and finger prints on the left side of the roof, which blurred the General Lee imprint. This is all part of the originality of this one of a kind sample car.

A certificate will be included with the replica car, (with the auction winners name on it) stating that this is the original Gold Plated 1:18 scale  Dukes of Hazzard General Lee Dirty Version, that was sent to Supercar Collectibles for the approval process.

US $1,009.99 [ 13 bids ]

#50899G ED MILLER SUPER STOCK 1965 HEMI BELVEDERE. 1 OF ONLY 6 MADE and only 2 to be auctioned on eBay.

A gold plated 1965 Plymouth Belvedere Hemi Super/Stock car of Miller & Guenther. Winner of the NHRA World championship in 1967

This 1:18 scale die cast replica looks like it’s ready to run down the 1:18 scale quarter mile drag strip. A very detailed, gold plated lettered drag car made by Die Cast Promotions / Hwy 61 . All the race day decals are in place, the hood doors, and trunk open, driveshaft turns, battery is in the trunk, cables too.

It features a very detailed 426 Hemi cross ram motor, with spark plug wires, fuel lines, the fuel filters, 4 tube headers, and a real metal brake line going to the master cylinder. The doors open to a carpeted “no back seat” interior, detailed with a tach on the dash, and a 4 speed on the floor. Then around back the trunk opens to see the battery mounted in it, and the battery cables are there too. Underneath check out the open headers, rotating driveshaft, working suspension, narrow tires up front, and a pair of slicks on the rear. I myself just love those open headers. These are now here in stock ready to ship you, and your order is appreciated.


US $1,000.00 [ 18 bids ]

#50901G  ARLEN VANKE SS/C 1965 HEMI BELVEDERE. 1 OF ONLY 6 MADE and only 2 to be auctioned on eBay.

#50901G – this is a 1:18th scale, 22K Gold Plated replica of 1965 Plymouth Belvedere Super/Stock Hemi (SS/C) car of Arlen Vanke, as raced in 1969, to beat the ZL1 Chevy boys. What do we mean? Keep reading…

The short version of the story is Chrysler contacted Arlen about building a car to beat the new ZL1’s that Jenkins and Strickler were running 10.90’s in, on the 11.31 class record. Chrysler hated getting beat, and needed Arlen to build a car for the NHRA World finals (coming up quick) as this event was the only place a record would be accepted by NHRA at the time. Arlen agreed to try and do it, but first he had to locate a ‘65 to start with, and then had to build it in a very short amount of time! Using the Golden Commando’s A/Stock back up car, and completely going to town on it to build a Super Stock car, Arlen pulled in to the event a bit late, but soon enough to compete. Without even firing it up prior to the first run, it was started, pulled to the line, and the car launched great but the 4 speed got stuck going to 2nd! So that was fixed, he pullled to the line again, launched again, hit 2nd (fine), hit 3rd – and the nose of the car dropped down, coasting to the finish. The record setting Saturday was over…

Arlen pulled out the 4 speed that night, found the problem, and was back at the track Sunday. Now only a record could be set if he was in the class finals, but he had his eyes set on it. Going through the field running 11:40’s or so (as if you went under the class record other than “record days” or “event finals” you were disqualified). Yes, he did make the event finals, and what a last run it was. No problems, just power to the pavement, the full quarter mile, and ran an oustanding 10.64 bettering the old record by .7 seconds! A Chrysler product had set a new record, and Arlen – was smiling.

This record setting car is in it’s race winning day Green Custom Paint by Greg with real “gold foil” lettering, and it looks like it’s ready to run down the 1:18 scale quarter mile drag strip. This is a very detailed fully lettered drag car made by Die Cast Promotions / Hwy 61 as a limited edition of 504 produced for Supercar Collectibles.

It features an opening hood with scissors style hinges, and a very detailed 426 Hemi cross ram motor. It has spark plug wires, fuel lines, fuel filters, 4 tube headers, real metal brake lines, and more. The doors open to a carpeted “no back seat” interior, detailed with a tach on the dash, and a 4 speed on the floor. Then around back the trunk opens to see the battery mounted in it, and the battery cables are there too. Underneath check out the open headers, rotating driveshaft, working suspension, narrow tires up front, and slicks on the rear. The front edge of the hood has actual gold foil lettering just like the real car did.

癡心 Leica迷 攝情記事 (轉文)

By admin, August 23, 2012 4:42 pm

清末創辦的南洋兄弟煙草後人簡永楨,銅鑼灣加路連山道孔聖堂就是他家族在1935年捐出的,他也是土地發展顧問公司的老闆,去年舉辦攝影展時,老朋友郭炳江也來撐場。他鍾情收集 Leica相機,同一款式他買兩部,一部用一部儲,放在家也放在保險庫收藏,相機與鏡頭共有240多件,連全球只有三部的 Luxus Hektor都是他的收藏之一。

儘管市場不斷有新功能新款式的相機推出,每當問攝影發燒友他們的 Dream Camera是甚麼,相信十個有十個也會答是 Leica。因為 Leica在1925年推出的相機,奠定現代35mm相機基礎,現時大部份相機沿用這規格,而且是專業全畫幅( full frame)相機中最細的。
1961年,簡永楨十多歲時,父親要送他一部相機,並讓他自己選擇品牌及型號,結果他揀了輕巧的 Leica M3,自此愛上攝影也愛上 Leica,「當時僅從外形上選擇」。淺水灣酒店及沙田龍華酒店等,變成他的練習勝地, Leica拍攝出來的照片對比效果突出,機身又耐用,從一而終變成 Leica收藏家。對簡永楨而言最有紀念價值的當然是昔日父親所贈的 M3,對此型號有份特別感情,不同款式的紀念版收藏他逾十部。汶萊蘇丹登基銀禧紀念時,特別訂製送給賓客的鍍金 M6,則買了兩部相連獨立編號,「一部用來珍藏,一部使用。」



相機及鏡頭各約120件,簡永楨擁有共240多件 Leica產品,「部份會放在家中,有些則儲存於可容納四個人的大型銀行保險庫。」每次打算買新機前也要到家中或保險庫翻一翻,確認從前沒買過那個型號。 簡永楨擁有多本不同版本的「天書」,記錄了 Leica歷年推出的相機及鏡頭。訪問時,我問他展示的相機是哪年出品,他便按機身編號,從天書查出來,「這本1994年版本,是一個已故賣舊相機的英國 朋友有份製作,並送了一本給我;與官方版本最大的分別是,按罕有程度評分。」由 R1至 R10,評分越高越為特別。

今年5月在維也納拍賣會,標 誌 Leica首部面世經典相機、至今僅存12部的測試用途原型0系相機,便以全球相機成交價紀錄216萬歐元(約2159萬港元)拍賣,在天書中的評級是最 高級的 R10。「我沒有最高級的 Leica,但有 R8或 R9級別的。」雖然拒絕透露藏品的價值,但一部 R9級別的軍用 M1現時巿價約13.5萬元。他帶來其中11項珍藏讓我見識,7部相機及4個鏡頭的價值,都肯定超越記者的身家了。



他的辦公室掛滿他拍的旅遊照片。「六十年代可以去外國旅行是一件興奮的事,記得當時去日本也帶着部 M3。」數碼機 M9,菲林機 M6 MP、 R7、 R6.2及首部擁有的 M3都是他現時常用的旅行機,「通常只帶一部相機及一支廣角鏡」。前年去伊朗帶了兩部相機及數支鏡頭,算是最大陣仗了。
前年年底,簡永楨到墨西哥看瑪雅遺址,以 M9配上24/1.4廣角鏡,拍攝數百幅相片,部份照片加上瑪雅文化的闡述印製成書,並舉辦影展。


【二戰德空軍專用菲林機 IIIC K】為應付北方嚴寒天氣,德軍要求 Leica生產特別的空軍專用相機, IIIC快門配上低溫使用的滾珠。每部相機編號後加上 K字,以及加上 W.H.德軍簡寫作辨認。391609K產於1943年二次世界大戰期間,當時物資短缺,為減少鉻的使用,將外殼塗上黑灰色。現時網上拍賣價約6000美 元(約4.68萬港元)。
【首批800部菲林機 M3】M3是 Leica的經典之作,由1954年至1966年共生產約22萬部,編號從700000開始,簡永楨擁有的其一部是700545,屬首批生產800部之 一,保留需拉兩次桿才可過一張菲林的雙撥快門設計,其後改為一般相機拉動一次的單撥。現時首批 M3的網上拍賣底價約7800美元(約6.1萬港元)。
【全球僅三部 Luxus Hektor】產於1929至1931年,以早期 I型號為藍本,銅機身配蜥蜴皮外殼,共生產了95部。簡永楨擁有編號48404 Luxus,原為德國一名參軍闊少所擁有,曾帶上戰場拍攝敵軍情報,在95部中僅得三部原裝配用的 Hektor鏡頭,其他的都是 Elmar鏡頭。
【戰後德軍版 M1】沒有測距器的機身,較 M3及 M2結構簡單的 M1,1959年推出銀色版專供科學研究、顯微攝影。其後配上綠色外殼作軍用相機,分別在1960年、1961年及1964年各生產50、75及83部, 合共208部,背面刻上 Bundeseigentum字樣,是「聯邦財產」的德文。現時網上拍賣價約17274美元(約13.5萬港元)。
【汶萊蘇丹登基銀禧紀念版 M6】1994年,汶萊蘇丹為紀念登基25周年,特製350部鍍金 M6送給特別嘉賓,機身頂部刻有兩個黑及紅色的汶萊皇室徽章。每部機設兩組編號,2001XXX為 Leica生產編號, HB-XXX則是汶萊蘇丹編號, HB解作 His Majesty Brunei(汶萊陛下)。現時網上拍賣價約2萬美元(約15.6萬港元)。
【蔡司測試機 M4】1967年,推出 M4改善 M3及 M2裝底片方法,將小轉軸改為固定軸心,而且迴片扳手由齒輪改為較方便的拉起轉動,簡永楨認為實用性較高。德國鏡頭品牌蔡司為測試鏡頭與相機的配 合,1970年特別訂了五部 M4作測試之用,在機頂刻上的型號與編號中加上「 M及大白點」以茲識別。

港女終於瘋狂了with A&F HOT GUYS!

By admin, August 23, 2012 4:02 pm

A Time to Remember

By admin, August 23, 2012 12:44 pm


哥哥 你還好嗎﹖



Interesting Stories about Mclaren and UT’s GTR F1 LM

By admin, August 23, 2012 11:51 am

The following is written by Stig3 of Singapore diecasters (SGDC), I found they are very informative and useful, especially some inside stories about UT’s Mclaren GTR F1 LM.


Haha.. This is a very tough question dude.. Everyone has different opinions and information. Even myself, I gathered information based on what I read e.t.c..

This is gonna be very confusing but read slowly and you just might understand :) I took an hour to type this out… :) I might copy this into my Mclaren Info thread..

Some common misconceptions:
Mclaren first made XP1 (different from XP1 LM) to XP5. Based on these the main road car Mclaren F1s were built. These XP1-5 are the ones with side view mirrors mounted on the upper part of the door.

Then they tuned these and made the GTRs for racing.

The F1 GTR was never made for the roads, it was purely for racing in Le Mans and other racing series. However after the races were over, they were eventually modified and made street legal. So those who own F1 GTRs will be laughing at those who own just F1s :) As they are more rare and “powerful”.

There is no such car as the Mclaren F1 GTR LM or Mclaren F1 GTR XP1 LM but there is Mclaren F1 LM and the Mclaren F1 XP1 LM. 5 F1 LMs were made to honor the GTRs which placed 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 13th in 1995 Le Mans race (Can u believe thaT?!). Oh and all my labeling wrong too. I used to call GTR XP1 LM all along but there is no such thing :)

The tag LM in the name does not mean it was raced in Le Mans. First they made XP1 LM and then the 5 LMs which were meant for road use. Ironic & confusing eh? :)

Then later on came the final variant which are the GTs, in 1997. These models are hard to find. You can recognise them becoz they are essentially longtails without any spoilers:

Anyway about the UT Models part. The best thing is UT Models more or less named everything wrong!! All their models have the label XP1 LM on them, but behind on the box its stated “Mclaren F1 GTR Le Mans Roadcar”. That label means it was the GTR car which had raced in LeMans but now has been made street legal. XP1 LM is clearly not that! There was only 1 XP1 LM ever. Another wrong move is XP1 LM was made to be a street car, but the UT models do not have the 2 passenger seats. Instead they have the fire extinguisher and roll cage like GTR cars. :) That XP1 LM label on the side and the F1 LM label on the front windscreen are just wrong!

As for split wing and antenna, I am not too sure as well :)

The very first ones should be the blue edition boxes with XP1 LM having split wings. Among these they had some with the antenna. Which doesn’t make sense as XP1 LM for sure did not have antenna. Again another wrong detail.

Then the GTR came into picture. Single wing, normal UT boxes, no antenna.

I have no idea how the antenna got there on the XP1 LM :) By right, the GTR is supposed to have antenna for racing reasons (radio contact). You can also see that on all the other F1 GTRs.

The most rare is the split wing with antenna.



So far I have seen one. Mine. :) Did anyone of you have another one? Or seen being sold on Ebay before? I am very curious as I see all the papayas but never saw one with antenna except this.

Do forgive me for doing so, but I see there are a few inaccuracies in this post that I feel the need to correct for the benefit of all.

None of the XP McLaren F1 Prototypes are fitted with high mirrors. The first F1 to have them was the non-running F1 Clinic Model that was used to launch the F1 at the Monaco Sporting Club in 1992, and also to establish the production tooling required to manufacture the body panels. The F1’s designer and Technical Director Gordon Murray originally wanted the mirrors to be placed in the high A-pillar positions because that’s where they worked best. However, automotive laws and legislation at that time prevented this, and therefore the production F1 Road Cars had to have the mirrors mounted in the conventional wing positions.

F1 Clinic Model

XP1 was the first F1 prototype made, and at the end of its’ life-span it was being used by the BMW Motorsport engineers to conduct hot-weather testing in Namibia, Africa. However the test driver lost control when the wheels on one side hit a gravel-filled ditch, and subsequently it rolled a couple of times. The car was a total write-off, but the driver escaped unharmed apart from a few cuts and bruises, and this proved the durability and crash-worthiness of the carbon fiber passenger cabin safety cell. A little while later, leaking oil from the engine was ignited by the hot exhaust catalyzers, and this sparked off a fire that consumed the entire car. By the time the McLaren Cars support team arrived, there was almost nothing left. It was never fitted with high mirrors.


XP2 was the second prototype F1 produced, and it was the car used by McLaren for crash testing in the UK as required by legislation for all production road cars. It too was never fitted with high mirrors.

XP2 is on the left, and XP3 is on the right

XP3 is the third prototype F1, painted Silver and initially used by McLaren for performance and durability testing and finalization of the suspension and braking systems. This culminated in a few days’ worth of high-speed hot-weather testing at the Nardo high speed track in Italy. Although they weren’t planning to attempt a maximum top speed test run just yet, after the test sessions were complete, Project 1’s chief test and development driver Jonathan Palmer decided to take XP3 out for one last run and see just what she could do. He eventually managed to hit a telemetry-verified speed of 231Mph. Therefore XP3 became the first F1 Road Car to establish the McLaren F1 as the Fastest Production Road Car in the world, beating out the Jaguar XJ220’s previous best of 220Mph. And this was done when XP3 was still fitted with an early-spec BMW S70/2 V12 engine producing only 580Bhp, instead of the full 627Bhp of the final production-spec cars. It is then perhaps no surprise that XP5 would go on to do what it did with the full 627Bhp. When Gordon Murray first started work with McLaren Cars Limited, he included a clause in his contract which stipulated that McLaren would award him one F1 Road Car at the end of production as part of his reward package. XP3 is completely standard apart from the fitment of the suspension from the F1 LM. It is still owned and exercised regularly by Gordon until this very day. Again, it doesn’t have high mirrors, neither did it ever have them.


XP4 was the fourth F1 prototype made, and it was used mainly for testing and development of the gearbox and suspension systems. When McLaren was finished with it, it was initially sold to a New Zealand collector by the name of Sir Roger Bhatnagar, who owned it for a couple of years, but ended up hardly ever driving it. Therefore, he sold it on to an ex-NASA American guy named Larry Blair, who still retains ownership of XP4 in San Jose, California until today. No high mirrors on this F1 either.


Finally, XP5 is of course the last F1 prototype made, in Dark British Racing Green. It’s also probably one of the most popular and most-seen F1s of all, for a very good reason. It is XP5 that gave the McLaren F1 the final title of the World’s Fastest Production Car in 1995, when it hit 386.7Km/h or 240.1Mph at the VW Ehra-Lessien Test Facility in Germany, after XP3 first wrestled the record into McLaren’s hands when Jonathan Palmer drove it to 231Mph during high-speed hot-weather testing in Nardo, Italy.. Apart from raising the engine rev-limiter, removing the front single wiper, and taping over the front indicators and other gaps in the frontal bodywork, it was an otherwise completely standard F1 Road Car at that time. After the top speed record was achieved, McLaren retained ownership of the car and displayed it alongside XP1LM, GTR #01R, GTR Longtail #024R, and 56XPGT in the McLaren Technology Center. However, there are some who say that XP5 has now been sold on to an unknown party, as it has not been seen at the MTC for quite some time. Once more, XP5 never had high mirrors.


The very first production-spec F1 Road Car to be fitted with the High Mirrors Option (as it is known) was #040, currently owned by a guy named Flemke who lives in the UK and Germany. Its’ first owner before Flemke was a German guy whose initials are HS, apparently. HS was the first known F1 owner to have looked at the high mirrors on the Clinic Model and then told McLaren that he wanted them on #040.

It wasn’t a case of simply bolting on the mirrors in that position. The story goes that McLaren had to make new stronger carbon fiber doors and reinforce the whole door structure and door aperture surround, in order to endure the added structural strain that would be caused by the additional aerodynamic drag of the high mirrors. This whole process reputedly cost HS the far side of 300,000 Pounds Sterling at that time. #040 still retains its’ High Mirrors until today, as Flemke says they’re much easier to read in the high position than in the standard wing position.


After the High Mirrors effect was seen on #040, 2 other F1 owners told McLaren that they wanted it done for their cars as well. One of them is Ralph Lauren, who owns F1 LM chassis # LM3 as well as 2 F1 Road Cars, #055 and #074. Both of his F1 Road Cars are silver. #055 was refitted with high mirrors at some point in its’ life, while #074 was built at a later date and had the High Mirrors Option fitted while it was in build.



The other customer F1 Road Car that has the high mirrors is #071, currently located in Germany. It is also the only F1 Road Car in the world that wears the McLaren Historic Papaya Orange paint. Little else is known about this F1, its’ owner, or when it had the high mirrors fitted.


Last but certainly not least, F1 Road Car #050 also has the high mirrors, and it is owned by current McLaren Automotive and McLaren Group CEO Ron Dennis, who was also one of the original driving people behind the F1 road car project, internally known as Project 1. The story goes that the first F1 made for Ron was painted an unusual metallic shade of dark brown. He didn’t think it was a great color, so so it was sold on and #050 was built for him instead. It was likely fitted with the high mirrors while in build, and to quote Ron Dennis, “I thought it was a more elegant solution. I wanted the car as it was originally conceived.”


I hope this will be informative and beneficial for all who read it. Thanks.

Also thanks to my friend Peloton25 for hosting these pics, and for all the knowledge about the McLaren F1 he has imparted upon me.