即將推出的1/43 Make Up Lamborghini LP700-4全色
Just received the latest EQL news update this morning, two things caught my eyes.
With the release of firmware version 5.2.5
- Faster recovery from a drive failure, especially with the 7200 RPM drives
- Dell is also providing, for download, an update to hard drive firmware for selected 500GB, 1TB and 2TB SATA 7200 RPM hard drives. This new drive firmware will help to improve the overall life expectancy of the drives. Updating drive firmware takes approximately 15 minutes.
My view is still the same and I’ve heard different bad stories about those bigger 7200RPM 2TB/3TB on EQL or Powervault that they tend to fail Much more often than SAS 10K/15K, so if your application is mission critical, I would stay away from those drives but opt for IOPS instead (ie, SAS 10K/15K)
Please be advised that the best practices for the use of RAID 5 and RAID 50 on Dell EqualLogic arrays have changed. The changes to the RAID policy best practice recommendations are being made to offer enhanced protection for your data.
- RAID 5 is no longer recommended for any business critical information on any drive type
- RAID 50 is no longer recommended for business critical information on Class 2 7200 RPM drives of 1TB and higher capacity.
What? It seemed to my that Dell Equallogic is implicitly saying RAID10 is the ONLY CHOICE for business critical application due to it’s superior performance and reliability, and RAID60 is the optimal choice for space concern application, but and again 7200 RPM drives bigger than 1TB is not recommended for high demanding application according to the above.
So after all, can we conclude that the Near-Line (NL) SATA or SAS based 7200 RPM drive is not a suitable candidate for mission critical application after all even with highest RAID5 protection (ie, RAID50), the answer seemed YES.
自從今年5月在溫哥華女皇公園親眼看見了這台黑色的1964年Ford Thunderbird後就對60年代的雷鳥系列念念不忘。
經過了近1個月的資歷收集和尋找,終於決定重金要得到這台自己喜歡的天藍色雷鳥敞篷。當然像這樣的精品,幾年前就老早絕版了,找遍全世界都缺貨,更別談什么白菜了。而且是這款是附帶Danbury Mint證書COA的那種,最初的美國買家名叫Alan Frank,他的名字也就直接印在了COA上面。
上星期一個不可多得的機遇之下,我果斷地拿下了它。今天它終於飄洋過海抵達香港,這臺1965 Thunderbird Convertible號稱是Danbury Mint做得最精致的一款果然名不虛傳,蝕刻片以及可動的部件極多,如伸縮天線、折疊車椅背等,而且前引擎蓋和後行李門都是鉸鏈開關。
我繼上次Exoto 156F1后又一次地被震撼了,麻雀雖小,五臟俱全! 因為這台來的更小,是個1比24的,所以表現精密程度的難度可謂更高。
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