
By admin, May 20, 2012 10:02 pm


那年留學英倫,有幸第一次去看溫布頓,那天親眼見到了正在冒起的網壇天王Pete Sampras,還有兩JIM大戰:Jimmy Connors vs Jim Courier, it was a classic match!


Window with a View

By admin, May 20, 2012 9:46 pm

City of Montreal, this was the view from my apartment window almost 20 years ago, it is just like yesterday…

* Just in case you wonder, the white spot near IBM tower is NOT an UFO, it’s a commercial airship.


姐姐和Porsche 911 3.3 Turbo

By admin, May 20, 2012 9:37 pm


姐姐的前男友曾經擁有這台80年代中的911 3.3 Turbo,據她當年的描述是”坐的一點也不舒服,而且吵死了,比大貨車還要顛簸”,似乎女人不太懂得欣賞這些超跑固有的特徵還真沒形容錯,人家偏偏要的就是這種震耳欲聾的引擎咆哮聲和路面直接傳來的震動感覺嘛。



By admin, May 20, 2012 11:34 am


根據媽媽說當年這個香港親戚很喜歡玩跑車,九龍塘的大宅里居然停著一台改裝自Jaguar捷豹D-Type限量16台的XK-SS超級跑車(也就是Steven Mcqueen的那台),看來當時香港也只有這麼一台,現在應該已經不再香港了。


Update: Mar 7, 2013

右邊那台今天才發現是另一英倫經典AC Greyhound!

AC Greyhound 2

Update: August 15, 2014

今天居然給我找到了這台XK-SS的底盤資料(編號: XKSS757),原車主為Ron Hardwick,而且這台更是1960年第七屆澳門格林匹治格蘭披治大賽車的冠軍! 過了半個世紀,幾經轉手後現在這車應該又回到了當年的它出生地英國。


Converted to XKSS 757 and sold via Gilman Motors of Hongkong to K. Y. Cheang who registered it XX 120 and drove it for some 1400 miles on the road.

In 1959 he sold the car to AC-Bristol owner Ron Hardwick who entered it in the Macao Grand Prix. He sold it back to Cheang. Then bought by Gilman´s Manger Martin Redfern, who gave it its second Macau Grand Prix victory in 1960 when it looked more like a D-Type than a XKSS.

It had been rebuilt after an accident. The car was brought back by Nigel Moores of Liverpool in 1966 when it was re-established as a dark green XKSS. It was sold to Yoshijuki Hayashi in Japan in 1988 but by 1995, returned to the UK when it was sold to Peter Rae. In 1996, the car was offerd for sale by Symbolic Motors in the USA.

Update: July 31, 2022

Many thanks to Mr. Jack Lee for his extensive research on this one and only XK-SS in Hong Kong.
