Equallogic PS6100 New Feature: Vertical Port Failover

By admin, April 10, 2012 4:20 pm

Finally figured out what “Vertical Port Failover” is, that’s a cool feature to maintain the original full 4Gbps bandwidth! Is it really useful? To be honest, I don’t think so, well it’s fun to have though.

According to March 2012 Dell EqualLogic Configuration Guide v13.1 12:

In PS Series controllers prior to PS4100/6100 families, a link failure or a switch failure was not recognized as a failure mode by the controller. Thus a failure of a link or an entire switch would reduce bandwidth available from the array. Referring to Figure 5, assume that CM0 is the active controller. In vertical port failover, if CM0 senses a link drop on the local ETH0 port connection path, it will automatically begin using the ETH0 port on the backup controller (CM1). Vertical port failover is bi-directional. If CM1 is the active controller then vertical port failover will occur from CM1 ports to CM0 ports if necessary.


With PS4100/PS6100 family controllers, vertical port failover can ensure continuous full bandwidth is available from the array even if you have a link or switch failure. This is accomplished by combining corresponding physical ports in each controller (vertical pairs) into a single logical port from the point of view of the active controller. In a fully redundant SAN configuration, you must configure the connections as shown in Figure 20.


In a redundant switch SAN configuration, to optimize the system response in the event you have a vertical port failover you must split the vertical port pair connections between both SAN switches. The connection paths illustrated in Figure 6 and Figure 7 show how to alternate the port connection paths between the two controllers. Also note how IP addresses are assigned to vertical port pairs.

孤獨的保時捷 (轉文)

By admin, April 10, 2012 9:45 am


媾 女如果需要動用保時捷,勝之不武,跟上床需要借用偉哥一樣,即使成事,亦毫無快感或成就感可言。跟眾人錯覺相反,保時捷其實是一部「孤獨之車」,最大的駕 駛樂趣在於把世界隔絕於外,把一己困於車內,全神貫注,享受透過兩隻手掌傳來的操控感。精準,威猛,爆發,像兩道電流源源不絕地注入身體,把你的熱情 jump start,像手機充電,使你對生命重新有了撞擊的衝動。
保時捷像一匹懂得跟你說話的野馬,一旦馴服了牠,牠便對你死心效忠,依照你的 指揮與暗示,闖前守後,陪伴你在紅塵裏殺出一條又一條的血路樂路。躍上馬背,你再也捨不得縱身下馬,轟隆隆的引擎聲響令你頓忘時間的存在,甚至感受不到自 己的存在,你只看見一道道的影子在眼前左右閃爍飄流,你是電流裏的其中一束強光,往前射去,到了目的地,腳掌一扭,鞋底從油門轉到煞車,戛然而止,你與車 子一起重歸寂靜。
所以車內有乘客是一樁頗掃興的事情。你必須分神跟她說話,你必須避免讓她受驚,你沒有法子想把音樂轉到有多響便多響,你沒辦法隨 心所欲地體會車子的每一吋威力與溫柔。吃食之事,分享能令快樂變成雙倍,但駕駛保時捷卻剛相反,唯有孤獨,始能盡情,你不會喜歡讓狹窄的車廂內「第三者」 干擾你的聚精會神,因為這是你和保時捷之間的親密約會。

- 馬家輝