
By admin, September 21, 2011 3:30 pm

最近發現了個新大陸﹐就是來自澳洲的創作女歌手“Lenka”。開始還以為那把清新感覺的磁性聲線是個青春小女孩﹐原來直覺往往是不可靠的。事實上已經介入中女行列的Lenka可謂大器晚成﹐很多人可能都聽過那兩首朗朗上口的The Show和Trouble Is A Friend﹐但其實她的兩只大碟Lenka和TWO裡還有很多其它意想不到的驚喜﹗最喜歡那些輕快的節奏﹐很有大都市小資的感覺﹐如“Everything at Once”﹑“Dangerous And Sweet””﹑“Heart Skips a Beat” 等。



咦﹐突然發現Lenka的感覺很像香港本地的一隊Band “My Little Airport”﹐其中最出名的那首“浪漫九龍塘”﹐不知道有否同道中人認同﹖


Update: Sept-25

Lenka will perform live in Hong Kong in Sept 29 (Thur) at the 九龍灣國際展貿中心 (KITEC-Rotunda-3), but HK$380 for 2:30 hours free standing is going to be hard for me, ops…so I guess I just skip it as I can’t queue up as early as 3pm that day like those young kids, too bad!



Update: Sept-29

Despite Typhoon Signal 8, Lenka Live will go on according to schedule tonight, guess what? I got the last minute ticket, Yeah!



By admin, September 21, 2011 3:03 pm


“Whatever u give a woman,she will make greater.If u give her sperm,she’ll give u a baby.If u give her a house,she’ll give u a home.If u give her a smile,she’ll give u her heart.She multiplies&enlarges what is given to her.So,if u give her any crap,be ready to receive a ton of shit”