UFO on NASA Archive

By admin, September 20, 2011 10:50 am

This is the real picture (STS088-724-70) from the real NASA web site (http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/)


When follow the link and click the bigger image, the actual effect is very shocking! Actually, there are 5 more pictures from the same capture time. (STS088-724-65 to 69)

I can’t explain what it is, the most closest explanation is the secret weapon from US or an alien space ship!

Of course the US government can easily make up something like this by putting a space ship image over the original, but why would they do this? But why does US government want to create such a turbulence in pubic by exposing their newly developed secret weapon that doesn’t particular benefit anything financially, politically or similar?

So I can’t think of any motivation behind the making up assumption except it’s the genuine photo.

It could be a Space Junk (could be an abandoned satellite) left there by US or USSR with the possibility less than 1% :) Actually, there are at least 6 other photos showing the strange shape objects standing still in space from NASA web site.

If it is space junk, then how can we explain the extra ignition fire on left of the body and the three fine aligned lights on the right edge, well it could be the reflection of sunlight, but unlikely.

Btw, one thing is sure, it’s not something an ordinary airplane can reach. This photo was taken from outer space with Spacecraft Altitude: 214 nautical miles (396 km) and the highest record for human airplane is only about 112km, so that’s 3 times more than the best aeroplane can reach.

“The highest altitude obtained by a manned aeroplane (launched from another aircraft) is 111,996 m (367,441 ft) by Brian Binnie in the Scaled Composites SpaceShipOne (powered by a Scaled Composite SD-010 engine with 18,000 lb of thrust) on 4 October 2004 at Mojave,”


Well, it is just a really blizzard picture with too many question marks after all.


By admin, September 19, 2011 3:16 pm









First Day of Playing After Injury

By admin, September 17, 2011 7:56 pm

It’s been more than one month since my last appearance on the court. I enjoyed playing again today with my partner, I feel so good being able to come out and play again under the sunshine. 

I started slowly and picked up the pace gradually, worked on my forehand, then backhand, then volley and finally the serve. In particular, I emphasized on my form, not to “late hit” on every single shot and completed my swing motion more fluidly than before, there I see the effect immediately, my shots is more speedy and more spin. Now I regret that I was being so lazy and hurt myself eventually, stupid really!

sm9337017020_Patella_Band[1]Finally, I started to use Nike Patella Band for my left knee for extra protection. After the game, I rushed to Gigasport and bought another one for my right knee. The Petella Band worths the investment and it’s only HK$62 after discount, they worked pretty well I must say for my knees that’s getting older every day. :)  

Well, I simply try to use every possible method to extend my tennis game till 80 years old!

Finally Enterprise MLC SSD Enters Storage World!

By admin, September 17, 2011 7:28 pm

Dell added eMLC drives from SanDisk (with technology acquired from Pliant Technology) in its EqualLogic PS6100 storage arrays launched this month.

The 5.1 firmware handles tiering and load balancing that can help manage SSDs by moving data based on access patterns, Vigil said. Although EqualLogic has been offering single-level cell (SLC) SSDs in the PS6000 line since 2009, Vigil said less than 10% of EqualLogic systems ship with SSDs. “We’re seeing that our customers don’t need a lot of SSDs, but SSDs gives a nice performance boost for those who do need them,” he said.


51a[1]Does it make sense to use “not so reliable” MLC SSD for enterprise storage? Well, it really depends on your situation. Hitachi is the first vendor launching eMLC SSD, I am sure others will follow this trend. MLC costs a lot less than SLC (at least 50%) and SSD is known for its huge READ IOPS performance, so it may be a good alternative for your database, exchange type of appilcations.

Of course, for those who can afford, FusionIO is your only choice currently, think about the IOPS coming from a 5TB SSD (also based on MLC), it’s just unbelievably fast and expensive as well!

Finally, I enjoyed reading this article related to Equallogic and SSD: “Are costly SSDs worth the money?

He bought three SSDs to serve as top-tier storage for business intelligence (BI) applications on his SAN. The flash storage outperformed 60 15,000rpm Fibre Channel disk drives when it came to small-block reads.

However, when Marbes used the SSDs for large-block random reads and any writes, “the 60 15K spindles crushed the SSDs,” he said, demonstrating that flash deployments should be strategically targeted at specific applications.


US Open 2011 Final: The Best Ever Rally and Deuce Game in Modern Tennis

By admin, September 15, 2011 9:52 pm

Were these two playing video game? :)

Gucci版的Fiat 500

By admin, September 14, 2011 9:12 pm

可愛的Fiat 500竟然也搞起了不同的Crossover﹐這台限量版的Gucci Fiat 500真的很特別﹑很型格﹐當然也很貴﹗值不值得﹖那真的見仁見智了﹗


優雅如紳士般的法拉利Ferrari 612 Scaglietti

By admin, September 11, 2011 10:21 pm

中午外出吃飯的時候在尖東見到一輛罕見的銀藍色法拉利612﹐還配備了令人心動的漂亮車輪﹐612真車來的極之高貴大方﹐相比之下Hotwheels Elite做的實在太差勁了﹗


Updated Equallogic Host Integration Tools for VMware (HIT/VE)

By admin, September 10, 2011 7:15 pm

hitveThe first release of HIT/VE (Version 3.0.1) was back in April 2011, it did make storage administrator’s life a lot easier particularly if you are managing hundreds of volumes. Well, to be honest, I don’t mind creating volumes, assigning them to ESX host and setting the ACL manually, it only takes a few minutes more. I feel that I need to know every step is correctly carried out which is more important because I can control everything, obviously, I don’t have a huge SAN farm to manage, so HIT/VE is not a life saver tool for me.

Today, I came across a new video about the latest HIT/VE, in the video, it shows clearly the version being 3.1.0, which is a new version that has the option of VASA added, too bad it works on vSphere 5.0, but not vSphere 4.1.

However, version 3.1 cannot be found at EQL support web site, I guess it’s only for internal evaluation.

Dell EqualLogic Host Integration Tools for VMware 3.1 — provide customers with enhanced storage visibility and datastore management as well as improved performance and availability through tight integration with VMware vSphere 5, VMware vSphere Storage APIs for Storage Awareness, VMware Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler (SDRS), and VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager™ 5.

Dell EqualLogic Host Integration Tools for VMware 3.1, Dell EqualLogic Host Integration Tools for Microsoft 4.0, and SAN Headquarters 2.2 software are in beta now and planned for release this year.

Update Sep-13, 2011

EqualLogic has released HIT for VMware V3.1 Early Production Access, I don’t prefer putting any EPA products into production as it might contains bug that will create disaster which no one can guarantee it won’t happen, so I shall skip it and wait till the official release.


By admin, September 10, 2011 12:06 pm

臨近中午的時候﹐樓下突然傳來一陣與眾不同的引擎啟動聲音﹐憑經驗估計應該是屬于意系一類的超跑。一看之下﹐喜見那意大利浪漫的紅色﹐但款式則完全摸不到頭腦﹖雖然陌生﹐但好像又在哪套電影裡見過似的(God Father系列﹖)。


但如何看都不太像Maserati的出品﹐小弟學淺才疏﹐上網查出原來是台80年代的Maserati Biturbo Sypder﹐連這麼冷門的跑車現在還有人開﹐可見香港中產欣賞Classic汽車的文化水平已經到達了一個很高的層次。


80s Maserati Biturbo Sypder

Tennis Bible by Novak Djokovic

By admin, September 7, 2011 7:04 pm

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