做工精緻的英女皇專用車﹕Bentley Royal Golden Jubilee

By admin, August 23, 2011 11:02 pm

相傳位於中國大陸廣東省有一間山寨廠專門製作一些市面上沒有的豪華汽車手版﹐集中以Rolls Royce﹑Bentley和Daimler這三間英國著名的廠家為主。

之前有車模朋友告之深圳華強商業城也不少散貨﹐而且價格廉宜﹐大概人民幣200至300左右。後來也陸陸續續地出現在國際拍賣網站(居然沒給禁)﹐香港一些玩具和車模店見過傳說中它們的身影﹐但總絕對欠缺了些什麼﹐這當然不是指正宗版權的問題﹐而是指比例正確﹑車型準確的感覺﹐雖然說是樹脂膠製作的手版﹐但做工尤其是蝕刻片方面來的比較粗糙﹐如Rolls Royce的女神比例過大﹐內飾極之馬虎等等﹐所以至今一台也沒有進。

山寨廠手版其款式之多﹐猜想老闆肯定是個識貨之人﹐行家是也﹗八九成是個Rolls Royce﹑Bentley和Daimler的超級發燒友﹐要不然如何懂得推出那些最稀有﹑最值錢的款式﹗

因為自己一直都對英國皇室的專用車極為感興趣。尤其是今年六月份英皇室大婚一系列的專用車看的人們是目不暇精﹕從開始接載皇妃出場的1902年State Landau Wedding Carriage﹐到襯家坐的1977年Rolls-Royce Phantom VI﹐接著是女王乘座的2002年Bentley Golden Jubilee(今天的主角)﹐直至最後兩位新人同時出現的1965年Aston Martin DB6 Volante。每一台都充滿了豐富的歷史故事﹐尤其是最後那台Aston Martin DB6 Volante曾經是威廉王子父母黛妃和查理斯曾經在30年前一齊乘坐過的﹐真令人感嘆世事變幻無測﹐珍惜眼前人。

回到正題﹐自己一直都對兩年前沒能收到那台1比18 Minichamps出的女皇車耿耿于懷﹐因為當年的內飾做工實在對不起近千元的售價﹐但現今的價格居然仍能升高了近倍﹐太離譜了﹗最近曾經有機會用港幣750的低價收進此車﹐但看到實物後慘不忍睹﹐全車已經長滿了大大小小的氣泡﹐賣家又不肯減價﹐所以最終只能放棄﹐怪不得贏得此車的第一手買家也放棄了。


跟店主討價還價用極合理的價格拿到手之後﹐它的精緻真的有點震撼了我的審美觀﹐把我之前對國產山寨的片面看法一掃而空﹗尤其是那些電鍍配件的精緻度﹑挑空的散熱孔﹐三盞尾燈的再現﹑車尾的天線﹑令人讚嘆的賓利標誌(雖然真車並不是用B標誌﹐看這裡)還有就是此車外型的準確程度﹗不能不提的是山寨老闆還挺幽默的﹐跟大家開了個隱藏的玩笑﹐就是後座小巧的LCD上竟然顯示了一台鮮黃色調的美國平民超跑Corvette C5﹐這點我倒是挺欣賞的﹐有才有才﹗﹗﹗

在收集關於此手版的過程中﹐發現原來它的變種極多﹐至少不下6款﹐有這款單車紅地毯的﹑單車紅地毯的有限量編號的(說明限量肯定是假的﹐至少編號是隨便印的)﹑黃色底座的版本(聽說做工最差)﹑單車紅地毯有女王人偶的(人偶竟然做得跟女巫一樣醜惡﹐看樣子一定是最難賣的一款)﹑ 雙車紅地毯有女王人偶的﹑單雙車紅地毯有女王人偶分別又有限量編號的。這麼說山寨廠家肯定積壓了好多存貨才被逼推出如此多變化的變種來進行促銷。

很高興等了兩年沒白費功夫﹐終于收到了台價廉物美的完美品。這下終于可以跟之前的那台英國皇室同樣顏色(皇家深啡色)的Daimler DS420皇太后版本配對了﹐現在就差TrueScale今年稍後會推出的Rolls Royce Phantom V Canberra – HM The Queen 1960了﹗

1/43 Bentley Royal Golden Jubilee, 2002 HM Queen


Latest Equallogic PS6100 vs PS6000 Series

By admin, August 23, 2011 2:52 pm

Dell has released the updated version of its iSCSI flagship Equallogic PS6100/PS4100 series today. Why do I say it’s an updated version instead of a complete new generation? It’s because how Equallogic naming convention after their products, previously there are PS50, PS100, PS3500, PS5000, PS6000, if it’s a new generation, then it would be PS7000 series. After going through different documents, release notes, blog articles, I confirmed my guess is right. Best of all, you can mix and match any generation of Equallogic box in your SAN, I simple love this!


The followings are some of the major changes:

1. 4GB Cache vs 2GB Cache, probably won’t do much in terms of IOPS performance gain, I knew there are other vendors like EMC/Hitachi products using hugh cache up to 32GB/64GB, but real data shows the amount of cache isn’t the decision factor for IOPS.

2. The look of the new PS6100/PS4100: front and back looks almost identical to Dell’s SMB storage Powervault series, especially the back. It seemed to me that Dell has finally decided to use the same OEM hardware to save cost since the acquisition of Equallogic back in 2007. Especially, I don’t like the cheap look of the controller module on the back, it’s too Powervault MD1200/MD1220/MD3200 alike and the design of the new PS6100/PS4100 drive tray looks really ugly to me. Well, I am a person with design background, so I have a particular requirement for the Look! “Look is Everything!” once said by Agassi!

3. Dell claimed there is 60% more IOPS with PS6100, well, it’s kind of misleading as there are 24 drives in PS6100 vs 16 drives in PS6000. Simple math shows the extra 8 drives is only 50% more spindle if not counting the spare drivers. Also it’s interesting that if you use 24 x 2.5″ 10K drives on PS6100X, the IOPS performance is probably going to be similar to 16 x 3.5″ 15K drives PS6000XV. Of course if there is major upgrade in PS6100 controller hardware, then the story is different, just like PS5000XV and PS6000XV, controller module hardware is vastly different, the performance is also different even with the same number of spindles and disk RPM.

4. All PS6100 models has reduced its size from 3U to 2U with 24 x 2.5″ 15K/10K drives, it does save some rack space and power (probably not as there are more drives per 2U). Except for PS6100XV 3.5″ model which has been increased from 3U in PS6000XV to 4U, that extra 1U is for the additional 8 drives.

5. IMOP, the best products is PS6100XS which really combines the Tier 0 (7 400GB SSD) with Tier 1 (17 x 15K drives), this is the one I will purchase in our next upgrade cycle.

6. There is a Dedicated Management port on all PS6100XV, it’s a plus for some deployment scenarios.

7. On the VMware side, Dell said EqualLogic’s firmware 5.1 has “thin provisioning awareness” for VMware vSphere. As a result, the integration can save on recovery time and manage data loss risks. Dell has focused on VMware first given that 90 percent of its storage customers use virtualization and 80 percent of those customers are on VMware.


Over the third and fourth quarters, Dell and VMware will launch:

• EqualLogic Host Integration Tools for VMware 3.1. (Great!)
• Compellent storage replication adapters for VMware’s vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.
• And Dell PowerVault integration with vSphere 5. (Huh? PV is becoming the low cost solution VMware SAN for 2-4 hosts deployment)

Finally, I wonder what does “Vertical port failover” mean in the PS6100 product PDF?

In fact, as usual I am more interested to know the hardware architecture of the new PS6100 series. One thing for sure PS6100 storage processor is  4-cores vs 2-cores in PS4100.

Can someone post a photo of the controller module please? What chipset does it use now?

Luckily, Jonathan of virtualizationbuster  solved part of the mystery, thank you very much!

-SAS 6GB Backplane – Finally. That’s all I can say. Will we see a big difference? With 24 drives SAS 6GB + SSD’s SAS 6GB is definitely needed. There have been independent review sites of other storage hardware showing that we are getting pretty close to maxing SAS 6GB out, especially with 24 SSD’s….I will be talking to the engineering team at EQL about the numbers on this in the future, I am curious.

-Cache to Flash Controllers – Bye-Bye battery backed cache, hello Flash Memory Based controllers. All I have to say is it’s about time! (this goes for ALL storage vendors- -hello? Its 2011!). Note*- In my review of the Dell R510, the PERC H700 was refreshed in the beginning of the year to support 1GB NV Cache, which is similar to what EQL using, and it rocks!

-2U Form Factor – Well, you can’t beat consolidation right? The more space we save in a rack the better + more drives in each array = more performance per U, per rack, per aisle. I have been a HUGE proponent of the 2.5in drive form factor for many reasons outside the room for this post. I have been running 2.5in server drives from Dell for about 4 years now and they have been rock solid.

-24 Drives vs 16 Drives- Well, you can’t beat more spindles, not much to say here but if you are a shop that thinks they NEED 15k drives you really need to take a look at the 2.5in 10k drives, their performance is steller, yes its slightly slower than its 15 3.5in counterpart, but performance is pretty close, especially with 24 of these.