PCCW 100Mbps Fiber Broadband

By admin, September 18, 2010 3:32 pm

Today PCCW come to my place to install PCCW 100Mbps FTTH Fiber Optics for FREE! :)

It did take the whole team of 4 staff 3 hours to finish the testing and QC, now I have two 100Mbps broadband at home, one is PCCW (Fiber), the other is HKBN (RJ-45) and both can reach upload/download at 100Mbps. During the setup, PCCW staff used WebUI login to HuaWei HG863 and I asked if there is any special tunning I can do to increase performance or add feature, the answer is Not Much.

Shortly after, I am going to use Netscreen 5GT dual-home feature to combined the two for load-balancing and failover.





根據跨國業界組織「光纖到戶協會」(Fiber-to-the-Home Council)於二○一○年二月發表的資料顯示,本港光纖到戶及光纖到樓服務的住戶滲透率(即使用兩類服務的住戶佔住戶總數的比例)為百分之三十三,全球排行第三,僅次於南韓和日本。部分亞洲其他地區有關的住戶滲透率如下:

    地區   光纖到戶及光纖到樓的住戶滲透率
    ──   ───────────────
    南韓     百分之五十二
    日本     百分之三十四
    台灣     百分之二十四