英國的McLaren GTR超級跑車Harrods #51

By admin, January 29, 2010 10:41 pm

以前一直不太留意﹐也不太喜歡McLaren GTR的超級跑車﹐自從慢慢地增加了對這間英國的超級跑車了解後﹐就越發感到它是90年代一間可以和法拉利/林寶基尼匹敵的勁旅。


這是我的第二台McLaren GTR﹐當年UT的做工還真的對得起它當時優惠的價格﹐這車現在eBay的市場價已經去到瘋狂的地步﹐幸虧這次沒太多人跟我爭這塊肥豬肉﹐令我得可以用合理價格收到了它﹐這台也是我最喜歡McLaren GTR的顏色之一。


1/18 UT McLaren GTR Harrods #51


UK Octane Magazines


My antique PIII computer is still going strong for its 11th year.

By admin, January 29, 2010 9:33 pm

I am still using Asus P2B-D with Dual Slot 1 850Mhz, going strong for the 11th year! I still remember clearly I brought it in April 1999 in Wai Chai Computer City and I’ve upgraded it many time over the years with minimal cost. (Mostly bought second hand from Go2HK & Yahoo HK)

Seemed to me the previous generation of Asus MB is so stable, I use for Internet/Email/Photoshop mostly, I can also play MKV, HD RMVB without any problem, so it’s really more than enough.

I will post this again in 2014 where it will be its 15 years.

I have two of these P2B-D, one is running as Desktop, the other running as Network File Server with iSCSI support.



The Configuration:

  • The version of my Dual Slot1 PIII850Mhz  is the one using the least Watts, 17.5W each?
  • Seagate/Maxtor 120GB IDE, 8MB Cache x 2
  • SATA PCI card with Maxtor Maxline 500GB x 4, 16MB Cache on another P2B-D file server
  • IDE PCI card with Maxtor 200GB x 2, 8MB Cache, Maxtor 250GB x 2, 8MB Cache
  • USB2.0 PCI card with 4 ports
  • SoundBlaster AWE64 with Cambridge Soundworks 4.1 Digital (This is so good!)
  • Running W2K3 with IE8
  • Matrox G550 with Dell Ultrasharp 2007FP in 1600×1200 model, so sharp and nice
  • Compaq Dual network NIC
  • Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse. 

After 11 years, I am still totally satisfied with this DIY combo, no complain at all, no harddisk failure (so strange, giving the HD life is only 5 years).

It seemed to me that I really don’t need to upgrade for a long time to come.


By admin, January 29, 2010 1:55 pm





This Limited Designer Series box set from Bentley

By admin, January 29, 2010 12:42 am


This Limited Designer Series (Continental) box set contains three beautifully detailed 1/43  scale model cars made by Minichamps. Limited to only 500 sets and individually numbered, it contains the latest Speed versions of the Bentley Continental Flying Spur, the Continental GT and the Continental GTC finished in silver with contrasting Hotspur interior and Burr Walnut woodwork.

£ 127.65 ex. VAT


By admin, January 29, 2010 12:33 am

Autoart is going to re-produce The King of Japanese’s Ferrari – Toyota 2000 GT Coupe with upgraded parts and engines, Oh No! What about my existing 2000 GT then?



賓利73年後再次馳騁Le Mans

By admin, January 27, 2010 10:45 pm

自己是個標準的賓利迷﹐但很少接觸Le Mans賽事﹐直至有一天在MC論壇看到了其它前輩刊登了這台罕見的EXP Speed 8﹐就馬上被它的流線型外表深深地吸引了。原來EXP Speed 8是賓利離開了Le Mans賽事73年後再次重新回歸的首台賽車﹐其歷史意義對賓利來說極之重大﹐EXP Speed 8的引擎是和AUDI一齊開發的﹐後來更用在AUDI之後推出的超級跑車R8身上。


今天有幸朋友以合理價錢出讓﹐後來才知道原來大部份EXP Speed 8已經在市面上絕版﹐而自己就最喜歡這台的外形加上典型的英國綠﹐漂亮﹗


1/18 Autoart Bentley EXP Speed 8 L.M. 24HR 2002 A.WALLACE / B.LEITZINGER / VAN DE POELE #8




By admin, January 25, 2010 11:31 pm


Exoto出的一系列Sauber-Mercedes C9都代表了其精湛的工藝早在很久以前已經遠遠超越了Autoart,Minichamps, Kyosho層面的車模製造商﹐如果用其水準跟CMC相比的話﹐也一點不過份。

先後收了3個Exoto Le Mans拉力賽的車模﹐是一個比一個令我讚嘆不已﹐如果你有機會﹐就一定要收藏這些Exoto的代表作﹐因為它正正代表了現今高端水準的車模收藏。

1/18 Sauber-Mercedes C9 Le Mans Race Car #62


另附上今早樓下鄰居的買給自己的新年禮物BMW M3


Sergio Tacchini is back into business finally!

By admin, January 22, 2010 1:06 pm

This news brought lights to my gloomy morning. 


Nice nice!!! 70/80’s big name Sergio Tacchini is finally back onto the court especially with stars like Djokovic!!!

It’s one of my favourite brand as well, weared by so many big names in the 80s’ like Sampras, Mcenroe, Ivanisevic, etc and even carry the glory to the 90s’ by Hingis…




and just in case you don’t know.

Sergio Tacchini is technically a Hong Kong company now! Yeah!

See the news from FT:

Hembly boss buys Sergio Tacchini

By Robin Kwong in Hong Kong

Published: June 6 2008 06:00 | Last updated: June 6 2008 06:00

A Hong Kong businessman has bought Sergio Tacchini, the Italian tennis-wear brand that in its prime sponsored top players John McEnroe and Pete Sampras but has since fallen on hard times.

The purchase by Billy Ngok, who is also chairman of Hembly, a distributor and supply-chain services company, marks the first Chinese acquisition of a major European sportswear brand.

The deal also adds to the growing number of recent foreign brand acquisitions by Chinese manufacturers and so-called “middlemen” companies seeking to move up the value chain.

Xinyu Hengdeli, the biggest luxury watch retailer in China, bought a 90 per cent stake in Italian hand-crafted pen brand Omas from LVMH last October.

Sergio Tacchini, an Italian tennis player, founded the eponymous brand in 1966. It claims to have introduced colour into professional tennis apparel that had previously been white-only. The brand enjoyed success in Italy and France, enlisting top-seeded tennis stars including Jimmy Connors, Martina Hingis, and more recently Goran Ivanisevic when he won the Wimbledon title as a wild-card in 2001.

But intense competition from global sportswear brands such as Nike and Adidas, a lack of expansion beyond its core European market and an overall decline in the tennis wear market has resulted in heavy losses in the past few years for the family-owned business.

There were other problems, such as an acrimonious break-up with Ms Hingis in 1999 that led to her suing the brand in 2002 for giving her shoes that she claimed had hurt her feet.

Sergio Tacchini filed for bankruptcy in Italy early last year, which created an opportunity for Mr Ngok to buy the brand, as Hembly was already a supplier for Sergio Tacchini.

Mr Ngok closed the deal in late April to buy Sergio Tacchini’s assets for €27m ($42m) and inject an extra €33m into the business, and revealed the details to the Financial Times yesterday. Mr Ngok, who made the acquisition as a private investment, has granted Hembly an option to purchase Sergio Tacchini within the next three years.

“Instead of producing just for the manufacturer’s [profit] margin, we are moving into the brand management margin,” Mr Ngok said. “Why, today, am I only working for other people?” 

Under a lease agreement, a team assembled by Mr Ngok has already been managing Sergio Tacchini for the past year. During that time, the company had sales of €60m and a modest profit.

Mr Ngok plans to introduce the Sergio Tacchini brand into mainland China next year and open 200 stores there in the following three years. By 2012, China should account for up to 30 per cent of the brand’s global sales, Mr Ngok said. “China will be the engine of growth [for Sergio Tacchini]”, he added.



By admin, January 21, 2010 8:28 pm

個人認為80年代所有意大利的超級跑車都來的是那麼的震撼﹗法拉利的如Testarossa﹑288 GTO﹑F40﹑F50﹔林寶堅尼的如Countach﹑Diablo等等﹐這些超跑無論從外型設計﹑顏色佩搭到引擎性能等都到達了顛峰的水平。它們在二十多年後的今天看來還是沒有什麼老態﹐而且在國際拍賣市場的價格更是日新月異﹗

對日本手版製造商Make Up的F40精緻做工的確好得沒什麼可挑剔的﹐自從上次中了43手版F40的毒後﹐就到處尋找其代表作﹕Testarossa﹑288 GTO﹑F40的芳蹤。這次正巧有朋友放售﹐我當然二話不說﹐馬上進了這兩台特別限量版。


1/43 Make Up Ferrari F40 LM Test Monza 1989 and Test Car Matt Black



By admin, January 20, 2010 10:41 pm




1/18 Exoto 1989 Exoto Nissan R89C – Works Prototype


1/18 Exoto 1987 Exoto Sauber-Mercedes C9 #61 – Kouros


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