終于第一次走出了自己的球場 (comfort zone)

By admin, December 13, 2009 9:51 pm

今日終于第一次走出自己打開個場﹐晨早被邀請去佐敦谷(原來並不在佐敦)﹐然後比個Club Player好手連鐶請食左3個4局Game蛋蛋後﹐才知道如果打開的節奏一旦被對手擾亂後﹐自己原來是這麼的不堪一擊。


Anyway, tennis is still one of those things that I can’t really master well, my level fluctuates much depending on who I play, where I play and when I play.  天時地利人和都要有﹐你別說不信﹐還真邪。

人生第一次的Mix Double

By admin, December 7, 2009 9:38 pm

多謝各位今天冒雨都來打波﹐我們斷斷續續都打左好玩的2個鐘﹐多謝白Sir和Pat Sir的衷心指導﹐我會努力改掉腳浮浮和面對信心的問題。


高興見到兩位球技高超的漂亮師姐﹐終于比我打左人生第一次Mix Double﹐我重申只是因為地下濕滑才線來線去﹐我是從沒打過紅泥地的﹐希望沒嚇著你們﹐老以為我線低左﹐哈哈。。。

午飯時間白Sir和Pat Sir開壇講左好多網球界鮮為人知的故事﹐好聽好聽。

但對于我來講﹐最後全日的驚喜和High Point則是午飯後的乒乓球﹐我﹑pchowbc﹑twcat還有ace1919四個輪流換夥伴打Double﹐大家最終都有機會練成大板抽擊﹐竟然緊張刺激過網球﹐過隱過隱﹗﹗﹗


Many thanks again!

分享人多一齊玩的快樂﹐Happy Tennis的精髓所在

By admin, December 3, 2009 1:29 pm
yu3494, Guti_14, stanley112c, kingmanlo, elmo & BabyPro﹐

我終于第一次感受到人多一齊玩的快樂﹐Happy Tennis的精髓所在也﹗  




首次面對正反手都落重篩﹐連開波都落好重SLIDE的STANLEY﹐獨家武功“七旋斬”獨步天下﹐開頭真的不知如何回波﹐所有人都吃了他不少篩﹐根據他昨天口述﹐“點都有幾球斬到你”你米話﹐的確又好WORK窩﹐STANLEY 抵你贏﹗

kingmanlo﹐單反拉TOP SPIN強勁﹐昨天真的不好意思﹐都是ELMO個狡猾回球﹐令我誤傷大哥你的重要部位﹐ELMO還洋洋得意話“一箭雙雕”﹐不過最後我也請左個ACE他歎﹐總算報了仇﹐哈哈。。。

ELMO﹐你個拍檔竟然爆出你的弱點(下次記得找他算帳)﹐但我還是手軟DOUBLE FAULT失了那個GAME﹐噢對了﹐今天才是你正日﹐再次HAPPY B‘DAY﹗




Looking forward to playing with all of you soon.

The Coolest Tennis Shoes that I’ve ever had – Reebok Instapump Match

By admin, December 1, 2009 4:48 pm

I used to have one of this about 12 years ago, I must admit it was one of the best looking and coolest technology supported tennis shoes I’ve ever had.

Quote from (http://nicekicks.com/2008/10/reebok-instapump-match-low/)


When the topic of tennis sneakers comes up, Andre Aggassi tends to dominate many conversations with his line of shoes worked up by Nike, but one tennis champ that should not be cut out is Michael Chang. At the young age of 16 Chang turned pro winning his first and only Grand Slam at the age of 17. For the rest of his career he was near the top winning 34 tournaments in total. Back to the footwear though, Chang had arguably Reebok’s best series of tennis shoes. Though none of the shoes ever officially had his name on the products or box, he was the face of Reebok Tennis.

The series of outstanding sneakers worn by Chang began with the Reebok Court Victory Pump, followed by the Court Victory II, but in the 1993-94 tennis season Chang took the court (grass, clay, and carpet) in the Instapump Match. The early days of Reebok Pump required one to manually “pump” their shoes with air, but the Instapump utilized CO2 cartridges and a high tech valve where one could instantly pump up their kicks.

Not messing around with one’s comfort or performance, the Instapump Match Low featured three different air chambers giving one the most custom fit. Reebok also added full length soft EVA midsole, Hexalite cushioned heel, and Goodyear engineered Indy 500 rubber outsole giving ultimate grip and longevity.

Michael Chang also wore a mid cut version of this shoe, but it is so different that you will need to tune into Throwback Thursday at a later date to get a glimpse of that one. Enjoy pics of the kicks after the jump.




By admin, December 1, 2009 3:23 pm

Bleeding Love Spirit by Leona Lewis

No One – Alicia Keys

You Know I’m No Good by Amy Winehouse

Update July 24, 2011

Amy Winehouse這類與眾不同的R&B其獨特的風格只有在她High了之後才唱得到﹐而High多了的結果就是英年早逝。What a pity! I liked this song a lot actually.

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